Sunday, December 13, 2009

WAKE UP AMERICA; it’s time to fight for Liberty!

Originally Posted on April 28, 2009 by RJ Harris

Unprecedented in our nations recent history, the silent liberty loving majority has begun to wake up to the “long train of abuses” being perpetrated against them by the current ruling classes. Unfortunately, many in the leadership of the many grass-roots organizations attempting to marshal the awaking body politic have asserted that they should not be politically active nor partisan- motivated. God love the Birchers, but for the last 50+ years they have attempted that exact same non-political, educational effort to no avail…for here we are watching as the Congress and the White House rip our Constitution to shreds, destroying our Republic in the process, while we stand by being non-political and non-partisan. What have the current incumbent bailout voters to fear so long as we remain non-political? They can simply wait out this current gale of anger from us and then go back to their nefarious ways when we go back to sleep. The only thing they understand, like so many tyrants before them, is political force. When we start replacing them with Constitutional Conservatives, in large numbers, THEN we will certainly have their attention.

So how do we keep these new patriots awake and in the fight? I guarantee you it’s not through being non-political and merely an educational movement. People do not stay up all night making signs to hang from freeway overpasses nor post blogs all over the net for “educational” efforts. They do not give money in record amounts, like they did for Ron Paul, for efforts that will not result in real change. They do not get back involved in their parties to rid them of the socialists (Democrats) and corporatists (Republicans) that have taken them over by staying neutral. And they do not march in the streets with the same fire and righteous anger as they did on April 15th 2009 when they are repeatedly told that their fight is going to be non-political, neutral and therefore irrelevant. However, we will do and have done all of those things for Constitutional Conservative Candidates that we KNOW will stand up and fight for US!

My fellow Americans and Oklahomans, there are Constitutional Conservative Candidates stepping forward to fight for us all over this country and they have the establishment in both major parties running scared. As a result you can bet that they will not get any financial aid or volunteer support from their respective party establishments. Furthermore, real Constitutional Conservative Candidates will refuse to solicit money from lobbyists or party officials known to be supporting bailout voters. Thus, as much as the Constitutional Conservatives are riding to our aid, we must ride to theirs and support them with donations and volunteerism.

Socialism and Corporatism are taking over our government, our Republic is failing, the Constitution is being ignored and the American birthright of freedom is being sold out by the very people sworn to protect it. The time for neutrality and sunshine patriotism is over. It’s time to fight with your activism and your money and your votes; or watch your country die. It’s time to hold the representatives we elected accountable by replacing them with Constitutional Conservative Candidates from within our ranks. It is time to WAKE UP, and fight for liberty!

The consequences of continued non-political efforts and neutrality are too heinous to even consider. But consider them we must. When the Roman Republic fell to imperialism from within itself, the western world did not know freedom again until 1776. For 1700+ years’ freedom and individual liberties were ignored by the great western powers of the world. If we let freedom and liberty fail on our watch, how long will it be, how many generations will pass, before the next George Washington or Thomas Jefferson are born?

We must fight now or freedom will fail and our children will wake up slaves in the land our fathers founded. FOR LIBERTY!


RJ Harris
Norman, OK
OK Dist4 Congressional Candidate
Constitutional Conservative Republican

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” (Edmund Burke)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Vote No on MAPS

When Are We Going to Stop Stealing From Each Other?

Citizens of Oklahoma County, especially those in the 4th U.S. Congressional District: When you vote tomorrow, please remember that public monies are raised using the force of law and can only ethically be used to pay for those legitimate functions of government contained in the US Constitution and the Constitution of the great state of Oklahoma. Mortgaging our children's future to pay for private corporate projects is NOT a legitimate governmental function. So if you intend to vote for this initiative and you know that the money raised will not be used for legitimate government purposes, then please realize you are voting to allow the government to steal from your neighbors for the benefit of private interests.

Congressman Tom Cole and OKC Mayor Mick Cornett: The power of your positions exist NOT to provide yourselves or your benefactors with profit, but to guarantee the liberty and freedom of the people and the sovereignty of Oklahoma.


RJ Harris
Norman, OK
OK Dist4 Congressional Candidate
Constitutional Conservative Republican

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Way Forward in the War on Terror

A Congressional Candidates Response to the Afghanistan Surge of 2009

Somewhere between the events of 911 and the President's Afghanistan "surge speech" we seem to have forgotten that what distinguishes us from the terrorists trying to kill us is our commitment to the rule of law. Terrorists and pirates care nothing about safeguarding individual liberty or fundamental human rights, but we do. Our commitment to these formalities is what makes us human and free and makes them the enemies of humanity. This commitment requires us to provide due process and equal protection to all persons, not only citizens, within our Republic's jurisdiction regardless of where they were captured or where they are currently held. (14th Amendment) To meet this due process requirement, and to classify enemy combatants, terrorist or pirates as prisoners of war, requires; 1. notice; 2. an opportunity to be heard. For soldiers of a foreign sovereign to have the required notice requires a formal declaration of war issued by our Congress. Article I section 8 of the Constitution limits this power to only the Congress. This power cannot be delegated to the President by way of Authorization for the Use of Force Resolutions, as was done in Iraq and Afghanistan, because the President would then be able to commit acts of war without a war being first properly declared. The President may defend the lives, liberty and property of U.S. Citizens while eminent threats remain but to go on offense requires a proper congressional war declaration.

For suspected international terrorists or pirates to have the notice required under due process requires that Letters of Reprisals (declarations of war upon stateless actors and activities) be issued against them by Congress and for Congress to have defined and set the punishments for piracies and offences against the law of Nations. (Article I Section 8) To date, no Letters of Reprisal have been issued against ANY terrorist organization or activity. For all of the persons herein mentioned, an opportunity to be heard is provided when the above formalities have taken place, before or during the outbreak of hostilities, thereby allowing these persons to be classified as prisoners of war, held under military authority and tried in accordance with the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Considering then our commitment to the rule of law, the way forward in the War on Terror is clear. First, we must withdraw conventional occupation forces from any sovereign that has not had a congressional declaration of War issued against it or Letters of Reprisal issued against terrorist groups harbored therein. Second, those foreign groups and individuals that have in the past and continue to this day to use violence to infringe upon the lives, liberty or property of Americans must have Letters of Reprisal issued against them so that they can be killed or captured legally. Third, those that are then captured must be treated as prisoners of war and housed in military prisons until they can receive a fair trial and just punishments in accordance with the Uniform Code of Military Justice. And finally, we must use our superior force projection capabilities, Letters of Marque (bounties) and diplomatic contacts to interdict those with Letters of Reprisal levied against them as they attempt to travel and or congregate.

Given the government's current commitment to expanding our military presence in Afghanistan as outlined by the President's speech Tuesday last, I am calling upon my future colleagues in the Congress to remember our commitment to the rule of law by immediately voting on resolutions to secure Letters of Reprisal against Al Qaida in Afghanistan and Pakistan and to define and set the punishments for international terrorism and piracy. To do otherwise is to turn the courage, honor and valor of our veterans into instruments of lawlessness and unconstitutionality. Such is the size and scope of our legal errors prosecuting the War on Terror up till now that they are nearly insurmountable. But if we will return to our founding principles, codified in the Constitution, the Spirit of the Founders will light our way.

For Liberty!

RJ Harris
Norman, OK
OK Dist4 Congressional Candidate
Constitutional Conservative Republican