Tuesday, July 27, 2010
It’s Election Day! – Remember to Vote
It has now been a year and a half since RJ Harris began his campaign. We’ve truly been a grassroots campaign and we’ve stuck to our guns, refused money from special interests, refused to waiver on constitutional positions, and we’ve reached thousands of voters with RJ’s message. We’ve also refused to resort to personal attacks or mudslinging; we’ve been running against Tom Cole the Representative, not Tom Cole the Man.
Going into the last two months of the campaign, we saw a tremendous increase in support and volunteer activity. The uprising of the constitutional conservative movement is alive and well as we saw quite clearly. There are so many people to thank that it’s easier to thank you all for everything you’ve done. There’s a spirit in the air that smells a lot like the founding fathers, and your committed efforts to this campaign and the cause of liberty will not go unrewarded in life or death. You are all true patriots of the old republic and friends of liberty; our founders would be proud.
This race is truly the story of the “underdog.” You have an entrenched career politician whose been an expert in political games for decades, who has more than half a million dollars, and who is in a position of incumbency with all the perks of free press, congressional-budget-paid mailers, and massive name recognition. Then you have RJ Harris, a 19yr veteran, former small business owner, OU Philosophy graduate and OU law student. RJ had zero name recognition, zero money, zero political experience, and zero help from the Republican Party (at least at first). So we began a campaign for RJ in January 2009, kicked up his web presence, worked up his positions on the issues, began attending every Republican Party event, Tea Party events, 912 Project events, and any other politically-related events we could find. RJ gave hundreds of speeches, met with thousands of voters, and gave a message of liberty that spread like wildfire among the grassroots.
This underdog story would then take another turn when the election crept closer and closer and we realized that our goal of reaching $100,000, which we calculated as being the necessary figure to fully disseminate our message, was beyond reach. But, having risen over $62,000 and with the help of passionate and motivated patriots canvassing their precincts and phone calling consistent voters, we overcame this set back. This isn’t all. Next, with all of the other cards stacked against us, we get word that RJ’s unit will be deployed for the Afghanistan surge and he’d be unavailable in the closing weeks of the campaign. Despite consultation that RJ should just “get out now,” we took a hard look at this race and the state of our country and said NO WAY! We’ve come too far and fought too long, the constituents of the 4th district deserve constitutional conservative representation and we will not sit back and watch as the incumbent continues to shred our constitution.
So here we are… it’s a true “David vs. Goliath” story and we are absolutely confident that we’ve accomplished what we’ve set out to do. While RJ is training for deployment today, preparing to fight for our liberty one more time, please remember to go out and vote for him so he can begin his next fight for our liberty in the U.S. Congress. Tell your friends, neighbors, and family to VOTE TODAY!
You can find your polling location here http://www.ok.gov/elections/ppl/index.php
The campaign will be holding a Watch Party at Earls Rib Palace (920 Southwest 25th Street, Moore - (405) 793-7427). RJ will be attending the Howard Houchen Watch Party and we will see him live via Skype video feed at the campaign Watch Party. We hope you will join us.
Jonathan Gibbons
Campaign Manager
RJ Harris 2010
Promo Videos:
The Final Countdown - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zicL3fUYxEk&feature=fvst
Just Three Months to go - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9ztpDz17MM
Sunday, July 25, 2010
RJ Harris the Pro-Life Vote
RJ Harris is an unadulterated pro-life constitutional conservative. As Harris’ position reads on his main website:
“The due process and equal protection provided by the fifth and fourteenth amendments to all persons, including unborn persons, makes abortion unconstitutional. Thus, I will support or propose legislation defining personhood as beginning at conception.”
RJ Harris goes into further details about his position at his extended position blogs here http://www.rjharris2010.com/life.asp
As RJ Harris states in his issue, he would like to support or propose legislation which would define personhood as beginning at conception. So it should be abundantly clear that RJ Harris is 100% pro-life.
So we know that RJ Harris is pro-life, but what about Tom Cole? Tom Cole claims that he is pro-life and points to his “100%” pro-life voting record from the National Right to Life Association (NRLA). What he doesn’t tell you is that the NRLA doesn’t investigate all legislation to find pro-choice votes. The NRLA, with all good intentions in mind, typically only looks into a representative’s vote on specific abortion legislation.
As many have learned through the Obama- Pelosi Congress, career politicians tend to include irrelevant items in thousand page bills. Why is this important? It’s because Tom Cole voted to give $288,283,000 for family planning projects in an $821.9 billion spending bill in 2005. These family planning projects include Planned Parenthood funding. The bill is HR 4818 and the section regarding this funding is Under Title II “Department of Health and Human Services”. “The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC)” has already done extensive research into how Planned Parenthood gets its funding. You can read one of their articles here http://erlc.com/article/planned-parenthood-indictment-fuels-efforts-to-defund-abortion-providers/
So when we have all the facts it is abundantly clear that Tom Cole is not pro-life and indeed does support Planned Parenthood. There is an old saying that “one should follow the money trail to discover ones true loyalties,” well when one person gives another person money, such as in a government spending bill, donation or the like, it is a clear endorsement of their cause and what they do. Planned Parenthood “performed more than 264,000 abortions in 2005.” (ERLC) How can Tom Cole be pro-life when he has funded an organization that performs hundreds of thousands of abortions?
RJ Harris the Pro-Life Candidate
Tom Cole the Pro-Choice Candidate
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Tom Cole Personally Attacks RJ Harris Through Okie Pundit?
Having completely defeated Cole on the issues, supporters of my opponent have decided to "dig for dirt" rather than win in the arena of ideas. Okie Pundit (OP), which openly supports Cole and has taken every opportunity to attack me personally, has now launched a new personal attack about my former name— Jason S. Barnes –and my status as a former resident of Arizona. As most of you already know my mother and father split up when I was very young and my mother settled in Arizona while my dad remained in Oklahoma; after traveling a bit due to being in the military. My mom took a new husband, had my name changed, and allowed my stepdad to adopt me. Later, I discovered what had been done…that I had been taken away from my real dad; my state and my tribe, the Kiowa, and I then took action to repair the damage thirty years in the making.
I am a native son of Oklahoma. My ancestors were both Boomer Sooners and Kiowa and neither my dad moving about due to his service in the military, nor my mother's action to allow the erasure of my heritage, changes that fact. I have a certificate of live birth from March AFB, where my dad was stationed at the time, which proves that my name change was a change BACK to the birth name taken from me by my step father. I also have a Certificate of Indian Blood from the BIA in Anadarko which establishes my native heritage, and I have my father, who is a card-carrying member of the Kiowa Nation and the physician at the Indian Health Services clinic in Carnegie OK for our tribe, who can personally vouch for my Oklahoma and Kiowa heritage. As the final act of my reclamation of that heritage, I have petitioned the State of California to release my adoption records and my sealed birth certificate so that I can finally and fully "come home." Having restored my name to that at my birth, it then became necessary for my wife and children to have their names changed as well. This is something Jennifer did with dignity and aplomb, and OP should be ashamed of itself for insinuating otherwise.
Growing up, I have lived back and forth between Arizona and Oklahoma and have always thought of them as my two homes. However, such was my horror upon discovering what had been done to me that I fixed everything about my recorded identity so as to restore that which had been taken from me, my dad, my tribe and my children. It is then absolutely despicable of OP to make an issue of such a massive personal tragedy over which I had no control of at the time it occurred.
It is not surprising at all that OP would try and make a connection between all of this and my failed Game Stores business— given their record of subpar reporting, analysis and research – except that I have never hid from that failure. I have openly stated on my Facebook page, as well as my biography on my main website, that my small chain of game stores did not survive the economic downturn of 2001 which was brought on by the attacks on 911. I included this, against advice from consultants, because I am proud of my attempt at achieving the American Dream of business ownership even if that venture did not turn out as successful as I had hoped. Of course OP wants you all to think that businesses failing are extraordinary occurrences when those of us that have had to sign a pay roll check and risk our entire personal fortunes on our small businesses know that it is a fact that businesses fail; even good ones.
Additionally, my personal Facebook page has my old name in parenthesis next to my original name so that my old classmates and Army buddies can find me on Facebook if they are looking for me, which is more proof that I am NOT hiding from any past, as OP claims, but am in fact reestablishing my birthright as RJ Harris just as I assert here.
Even worse of OP is its claim that I received some kind of bailout when the fact is that we repaid all of our vendors AND our tax debts. The biggest debts that were discharged, and the only reasons I had to file in the first place, were the un-paid leases on the business properties. The owners of those properties had those returned to them in good order and they were re-leased shortly thereafter.
One of the greatest things about the United States, and our capitalist system, is the opportunity for common people like me to work hard, take risks and rebound after a failure. This is nothing to hide from and nothing to be ashamed of. Unfortunately, politicians like Cole would rather manipulate the system and bailout companies with public money than allow for the healthy restructuring that I and many other small business owners have had to go through. The re-allocation of capital through bankruptcy is a central piece of a free-market economy. Yes my business failed, yes I have had financial difficulties chasing my dreams just as have millions of other American entrepreneurs…but I never asked for or received any bailout. I took my lumps along with the rest and now I am happy to be fighting to restore our federalist system which will halt governmental manipulations of the markets and make it easier and more profitable for other small business owners to stay in business and for those who want to take their shot in the arena to do so.
The biggest thing to take away from all this ugliness is that we must really have Cole on the ropes if his supporters at OP are willing to make such vicious and personal attacks even before having all their facts in order. However, don’t expect Cole to distance himself from any of this as it is highly likely that it came from him to begin with. Isn't it tiring watching politicians trying to hold onto power by personally attacking their opponents rather than defeating them through honest debate?
Patriots, this is where the steel meets the steel and Liberty hangs in the balance. Will you fall for these same old tricks or will you show OP and Cole that you want your Liberty back and that you are ready to vote for a real Liberty Candidate to make that happen? The Spirit of the Founders is counting on you to choose in the affirmative.
RJ Harris
PS: My deepest apologies to my mother for having to air our family laundry in public like this. It should be noted that I have forgiven her for her role in all this and we are happily reconciled.
PSS: I encourage you all to think very carefully about voting for a man who would attempt to personally destroy a decorated veteran and esteemed son of our state JUST so he can hold on to the last vestiges of his power.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
12pm Wednesday (July 21) – 11pm Friday (July 23)
Time is zeroing in on the election to send Constitutional Conservative Republican, RJ Harris, to the U.S. Congress to represent the people of Oklahoma’s 4th Congressional district. There is less than one week left and RJ needs just $2,000 to complete his message dissemination to the Republican voters of Oklahoma’s 4th district.
We ask of all of you to make just one more small sacrifice to help send RJ Harris to D.C. Harris’s incumbent and Liberal Republican Opponent, Tom Cole, has launched a series of television and radio advertisements to try and trick the constituents of the 4th district into thinking that he is a Constitutional Conservative who listens to the people. All around the district there are grassroots organizers and supporters canvassing and spreading RJ’s message loud and clear. Every single voter who hears the message turns in favor of RJ Harris. The message is winning, and the people are waking up to the truth about their current Representative. RJ needs to complete this delivery to combat Tom Cole’s misinformation and to ensure a strong victory on July 27th.
We ask of you again to help us raise just that $2,000 to help finish RJ’s message dissemination over the airwaves and the like, so that we can send one more Constitutional Conservative Republican to U.S. Congress.
Please make your most generous donation at www.rjharris2010.com . This fundraiser will last from 12pm on Wednesday July 21 until 11pm on Friday July 23. It is absolutely critical that RJ receives this last $2,000 to ensure complete message delivery.
Let’s do it for Liberty – the RJ Harris Finale Fundraiser! Finale Promo Video
RJ Harris has received the endorsements of the following Liberty Candidates:
John Dennis Watch Video
Debra Medina Watch Video
Howard Houchen Watch Video
An advertisement RJ Harris will be airing to the Republican Voters of Oklahoma’s 4th Congressional District Watch Video .
Friday, July 16, 2010
RJ Harris Releases New Ad Exposing His Liberal Opponents Voting Record
RJ Harris, challenger to Incumbent Tom Cole, has released a new advertisement which exposes three of the major socialist-liberal votes cast by "Republican" Tom Cole.
The RJ Harris 2010 campaign has released a brand new advertisement which emphasizes Tom Cole's liberal voting record. The advertisement also concludes with emphasis on why Oklahoma Republicans should vote for RJ Harris. The three liberal votes by Tom Cole that are pointed out are his vote for the $700 Billion Bank Bailout, his vote for Nancy Pelosi's 2008 Stimulus, and his vote for a $821.1 Billion Spending bill in 2005 which funded Planned Parenthood.
It is re-emphasized that RJ Harris is a Constitutional Conservative Republican, a Champion of the Republic, a Defender of the Constitution, and a staunch ally of Individual Liberty and State Sovereignty.
The video version of the advertisement can be found here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOXPhWSGh6w . Audio versions of the advertisement have been released to various outlets.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Fellow Patriots,
I wanted you to see an email that was sent out by Tom Cole’s campaign just today:
It's easy to be part of Election Day victory!
• Will you help us get the message out about Tom?
Television advertising is a critical part of our victory plan, and we need your help to keep this ad on the air!
Can we count on your support today? Your contribution of $25, $50, $75, or $100 will help us keep this ad up and spread the word about Tom.
Please help us keep our television ad on the air.
• We need help spreading the word door-to-door this Saturday morning!
“Walk to Win” starts at 9:00 a.m. – we meet at our campaign headquarters (220 East Main St. in downtown Norman, click here to see a map showing the headquarters).
We go in teams of two to drop literature and talk with folks about Tom’s campaign – it’s easy to do and lots of fun. We’ll provide the donuts, coffee, and Team Cole t-shirts. And of course bring all the friends and family you can – the more, the merrier!
Will you “Walk to Win” this Saturday? Call us at 405-360-5550 or e-mail clayton@tomcoleforcongress.com
• Do you still need a yard sign or bumper sticker?
You can stop by our campaign headquarters located at 220 East Main St. in downtown Norman – or – e-mail clayton@tomcoleforcongress.com and a campaign volunteer will deliver to your home or place of business!
• Thank you for all you’ve done to help our campaign. Our yard signs, door knocking, and phone calls are moving us closer to victory. With only two weeks to go before the primary, we need your help now to make sure we finish strong on election night!
Onward to victory,
Team Cole
Are we to believe that, at this late stage, Cole has blown through his entire war chest and needs immediate contributions to keep his TV ads going….YES! Cole is a fiscal liberal and he has run his campaign out of money spreading disinformation about his actual record which despite his claims of being conservative includes voting for bailouts, Pelosi’s stimulus package and to give your money to Planned Parenthood.
RJ Harris
It is absolutely crucial that we continue to get the message out via telephone and door knocking. Tom Cole has launched a series of T.V., Radio, and Newspaper Ads to try and defeat RJ. This tells us that Cole is scared and is blowing it all on this final “hail mary.” But we still have dozens of tricks up our sleeves that will be coming Cole’s way over the next week and a half, but we need your ground support to blast him out of the water.
Please, if you have any free time this Saturday, or any day going forward until the 27th, come to the HQ at 1721 W. Boyd St. in Norman and volunteer your time. We are holding a “Walk to Save the Republic” event starting at 9:00am on Saturday to combat Cole’s “Walk to Save Big Government Progressivism” event. Let’s show Cole just how much support we have… and that paid staff walking the district in no way compares to what motivated and passionate patriots can do when fighting for their liberty!
HQ’s - 1721 W. Boyd St. in Norman
In Liberty,
Jonathan R. Gibbons
RJ Harris 2010 OK Dist. 4
Campaign Manager
Web Director
(405) 881-0951
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Liberal Tom Cole's Constitutional Conservative Opponent
Tom Cole has been labeled a liberal do to his liberal voting record. Recently he has sent out a series of advertisements on television and radio calling for there to be less spending, and a congress that listens to the people. Well Representative Cole didn't listen to the people when they asked for him to vote against TARP, or when they said that they do not want funds to go to the number one provider of abortions in the U.S., Planned Parenthood. So why should we believe that Tom Cole is sincere? We shouldn’t!
Tom Cole has a true conservative opponent who will act on the "promises" that Tom Cole continues to tout, but fails to follow through with. RJ Harris is a constitutional conservative republican and he WILL fight for our individual liberty and state sovereignty. On July 27th the vote is clear:
Tom Cole – More of the Same Big Government Progressivism
RJ Harris – Constitutional Conservative Representation with Transparency
Nancy Pelosi Challenger, John Dennis, Endorses Tom Cole's Opponent RJ Harris
“RJ is a unique candidate in the Republican Liberty Movement in that he is a serviceman, he has done two tours of duty in Iraq, he is currently being called up again, and he actually understands what it means to put your life on the line to preserve, protect, and defend the constitution.” John Dennis, Republican Challenger to Nancy Pelosi
You may watch John Dennis’ endorsement on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKkNby7nYdI
RJ Harris has provided an endorsement for John Dennis as well.
"I am pleased to announce my endorsement for fellow Liberty Candidate and Constitutional Conservative Republican John Dennis against Democrat bailout voter Nancy Pelosi for California's 8th U.S. Congressional District. John has proven his commitment to restoring the Constitution and the Republic, and it will be my honor to serve in Congress beside him. Together, and with the help of other Liberty Candidates who are currently winning their own elections around the nation, we will build a caucus to take on the big spenders in both parties, fight the current progressive-socialist agenda and restore constitutional governance to our Republic."
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Debra Medina on behalf of RJ Harris - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awv2HCjVALg
Howard Houchen Endorses RJ Harris - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkVx-XmmmJo
Friday, July 9, 2010
Debra Medina will speak on behalf of RJ Harris
Former Candidate for Texas Governor, Debra Medina, will speak for RJ Harris on Saturday, July 10
Former GOP primary candidate for Texas Governor, Debra Medina, will be making a guest speaking appearance for RJ Harris at Saturday’s “Meet Your Candidates” event. The event will be held at the Great Plains Technology Center, Bldg 100 (4500 SW Lee Blvd. Lawton, Oklahoma) from 10A.M. – 2P.M. this Saturday, July 10. RJ Harris has provided the following comment about the event.
“It is quite an honor to have a liberty candidate of Debra’s stature come to Oklahoma to speak on my behalf, while I am away training for my upcoming Afghanistan Deployment.”
Debra Medina has been described as a self-made businesswoman and nurse who learned self-reliance early on a South Texas ranch. Debra has dedicated a considerable amount of her adult life to the pursuit of public policy that promotes limited government and the protection of the freedoms and prosperity envisioned by our nation's founders. Most recently, Debra ran as a candidate for governor in the Texas Republican Primary. She manages a healthcare consulting firm and serves as the chairman of We Texans, promoting public policy and legislation that advances and protects private property, personal and economic liberty, and the legitimate role of the states and their citizens within the framework of constitutional government. Debra stands in strong support of RJ Harris as the next U.S. Congressman from Oklahoma's 4th district. While she's a strong advocate of state sovereignty, she also understands the extreme importance of electing Congressmen who will weigh every decision according to the guidelines of the U.S. Constitution.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Tom Cole - a democrat in disguise?
Tom Cole voted for the 700,000,000,000 Bailout Vote
Proof of Tom Cole’s Vote - HR 3997 http://www.votesmart.org/issue_keyvote_detail.php?cs_id=22428&can_id=46034
Tom Cole voted to give Taxpayers Money to Planned Parenthood
Proof of Tom Cole’s Vote - HR 4818 http://www.votesmart.org/issue_keyvote_detail.php?cs_id=8197&can_id=46034
This was part of an $821.9 billion spending bill; even higher than TARP! Under Title II – “Department of Health and Human Services” this bill provided $288,283,000 for family planning projects which funded Planned Parenthood. Tom Cole claims to be pro-life but how can he be pro-life if he has voted to fund Planned Parenthood? This bill, enacted in 2005, the same year that Planned Parenthood performed more than 264,000 abortions (The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission), was clearly a great friend of the democrats and pro-choice advocacy groups. Read the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commissions article on this bill for more information http://erlc.com/article/planned-parenthood-indictment-fuels-efforts-to-defund-abortion-providers/
Tom Cole voted for the Nancy Pelosi Sponsored Stimulus Package
Proof of Tom Cole’s Vote - HR 5140 http://www.votesmart.org/issue_keyvote_detail.php?cs_id=16935&can_id=46034
This was not only a spending bill, but it also perpetuated the coming mortgage crisis in the fall of 2008 by increasing mortgage limits for federal lenders (i.e. granted more credit for subprime borrowers). This bill was fully sponsored and co-sponsored by Democrats.
Tom Cole supports Federal Intrusion into Oklahoma’s Education – Support for Jimmy Carter’s “Dept. of Ed”
“I’d like to see No Child Left Behind get re-authorized. Many people are critical of it. But it’s been broadly successful. Test scores are up,” Tom Cole. This quote can be found here http://duncanbanner.com/local/x2138916023/07-political-reflections
HR 1388 – OBAMA’s GIVE ACT - http://www.votesmart.org/issue_keyvote_detail.php?cs_id=24251
Another bill sponsored and co-sponsored completely by Democrats.
It is clear from studying just the few votes above, that Tom Cole is only a Republican in name and behaves as a Democrat. In fact, it is clear that Tom Cole has been a staunch ally to the Democrats since beginning his service in 2003. It only gets worse when you analyze Tom Cole’s financial sources http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/contrib.php?cycle=2010&cid=N00025726&type=I
Monday, July 5, 2010
"Republican" Tom Cole Attacks Steele and Defends Obama's War in Afghanistan?
Challenger to Tom Cole, a 19yr Veteran— who has been activated for the Afghanistan Surge – RJ Harris, has issued the following response to Cole’s call for Steele’s resignation and Cole’s support for Obama’s Afghanistan Strategy.
“We should not be surprised when Tom Cole, one of the Democrat's staunchest allies in the Congress, comes to Obama's aid as the President's inability to perform as Commander-in-Chief is called into question by GOP Chair Michael Steele. Clearly, the Chairman's comments have been taken out of context by the Left and its liberal/progressive allies in the GOP, to deflect from their collective lack of foreign policy leadership over the last decade. Putting conventional forces directly in harm’s way and making them easy targets for terrorists, who can now walk-to-work rather than expose themselves, has NOT made the Republic safer and has in-fact stretched the military, and the Republic's, limited resources past the breaking point. In all things, elected officials need to be good stewards of the people's resources; Chairman Steele was right to point out that what is going on in Afghanistan today is a giant example of Obama's waste of our blood and treasure due to political inexperience and lack of effective leadership. Of course, having voted for bailouts, stimulus and funding for Planned Parenthood, Tom Cole would know a thing or ‘three’ about government waste.”
RJ Harris has written extensively on constitutional foreign policy, the War on Terror, and the Battle in Afghanistan. Harris’s blog “What Would General George Washington do in Afghanistan; Lose the Battle, Win the War?” more fully addresses this issue and was published well before this current grandstanding attempt by Tom Cole. You can read this blog here http://www.rjharris2010.com/whatwouldwashingtondo.asp.
Monday, June 28, 2010
On Saturday, June 26, 2010, RJ Harris attended four events: the Sooner Republican Assembly Meeting, the State GOP’s “Spotlight on the Candidates”, the Glen Beck Block Party put on by the Sooner Tea Party, and the Cleveland County Republican Women’s Club “Ice Cream Social”. Harris was received with great enthusiasm at all four events on Saturday. Harris said “I was enthused and humbled to see so many patriotic citizens show up to the events this past Saturday. Our fight to take back our country has never looked so promising.”
The Sooner Republican Assembly made their endorsements for state wide Republican candidates. RJ Harris received the endorsement with over 80% of the vote. You can view these results and the Sooner Republican Assembly’s summary of the meetings activities here http://soonergop.blogspot.com. In addition to winning the groups endorsement, “two resolutions were proposed, both of which passed unanimously. The first condemned the recent decision to ban 4th District Congressional candidate R.J. Harris from future Cleveland County Republican Party events. The second was a motion of no confidence in the county's GOP chair and vice chair.” - Sooner Republican Assembly (http://soonergop.blogspot.com/)
One of the highlights of the day’s activities occurred when, Wanda, a lovely lady and GOP activist attending the State GOP “Spotlight on the Candidates” event, asked RJ the most important question a candidate can answer: “why are you running against our incumbent republican?”
Harris responded stating: “this particular incumbent republican [Cole] has voted for bailouts, voted for the Nancy Pelosi Stimulus Package, and he voted to fund Planned Parenthood. No republican that has ever voted for these things should be sent back to Washington to represent the conservative constituents of Oklahoma. This is why you shouldn’t vote for my opponent, but the reason you should vote for me is because I will fight for our individual liberty and our state’s sovereignty. I would never vote for the dozens of liberal and unconstitutional pieces of legislation that my opponent has.”
You may view the speech that Harris gave at the “Spotlight on the Candidates” event on his YouTube channel located here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zqn1NDX59VI
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Congressional Candidate RJ Harris’ schedule this Saturday includes a variety of events likely to build upon the growing momentum of his campaign. Since the June 9 candidate filing deadline and increased focus of voters on the election, the campaign calendar has begun to fill.
“Voters recognize my name when announced at events,” notes Harris, “And their reactions are notably positive.” Campaign staff report a steady increase in the number of campaign volunteers in the past few weeks.
With this Saturday’s slate of events, Harris will have the opportunity to get his name and message in front of even more Fourth District voters. The day starts with an 8:00am speech at the Sooner Republican Assembly’s Endorsing Convention in Moore. This event is followed by the Oklahoma State GOP “Spotlight on the Candidates” event in Oklahoma City (speaking times to be determined).
Sooner Tea Party and Oklahoma Conservative Alliance have invited a number of candidates who they’re supporting to speak at the “Take Back America Block Party” event in front of the Ford Center. The list of speakers includes Gubernatorial Candidate State Senator Randy Brogdon and State Representative Charles Key. RJ Harris is scheduled to speak at this event at 1:03pm. Harris’ day concludes in his hometown of Norman at an Ice Cream Social at 5:00pm in Brookhaven Park.
Each event’s details are available on the “Events” page of the candidate’s website and on his Facebook page.
About RJ Harris
RJ Harris is a currently serving nineteen-year Oklahoma Army National Guard Officer, two-time Iraq War Veteran and U.S. Congressional Candidate for Oklahoma's 4th Congressional District. RJ has been activated for the Afghanistan surge but will be able to continue his congressional campaign. He is a University of Oklahoma graduate in Philosophy and a third year law student at the University of Oklahoma College of Law. RJ is a Constitutional Conservative Republican and a prominent leader in the nation-wide grassroots Liberty Candidate movement. He has appeared on Fox News' Freedom Watch twice with Judge Andrew Napolitano, before numerous Tea Party candidate panels and been the featured guest on conservative/libertarian talk-radio programs across the country.
Harris Vs. Cole
Are you curious to know the differences between Rj Harris and Tom Cole? If so, please visit www.harrisvscole.com.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
RJ Harris Picks up Big Endorsements – Rand Paul, OCPAC, and the RLC
RJ Harris Picks up Big Endorsements – Rand Paul, OCPAC, and the RLC
Oklahoma- April 21, 2010
RJ Harris, U.S. Congressional candidate for Oklahoma’s 4th district, has picked up several big endorsements for his 2010 candidacy.
Rand Paul, a Republican U.S. Senate Candidate from Kentucky, endorsed by Sarah Palin and incumbent KY Senator Jim Bunning, endorsed RJ Harris this past summer saying:
I am pleased to enthusiastically endorse RJ Harris for Congress. I believe we stand on the precipice of a disaster. Our country is drowning in a sea of debt. Without significant change our country’s future is threatened. Bankruptcy comes in many forms. None of them pretty. Please do whatever you can to support RJ Harris for Congress. – Dr. Rand Paul
This extraordinary endorsement came early on in the Harris 2010 campaign. According to RJ:
Rand is one of the brightest rising stars in the Liberty Candidate movement and the GOP. With this endorsement he demonstrated his leadership and commitment to taking on the establishment backed bailout voters by supporting and endorsing up-and-coming Liberty Candidates that would be able to help him restore the Republic and the Constitution once elected. It is my high honor to be called to service beside Rand in Congress and to finally be able to return the endorsement having emerged as my incumbent opponent's most serious threat since 2002. His recent endorsements from Sarah Palin and Senator Bunning are further proof that Rand has the principles, judgment and integrity necessary to fight for our individual liberty and state sovereignty from the U.S. Senate. – RJ Harris
The Oklahoma Conservative PAC also endorsed RJ Harris just a few weeks ago after Harris received 90% of the straw poll held at their March meeting. Charlie Meadows, chair of OCPAC, stated the following:
R.J. Harris has become an impressive candidate, improved much in his communication skills and understanding of how Washington should work rather than how it does work. If you want to vote for someone who will work to make a conservative difference, a true reformer, then vote for R.J. Harris. If you want a slick talking Republican that is the poster boy for, “go along to get along”, then vote for Tom Cole. – Charlie Meadows
In November of 2009, the Republican Liberty Caucus also endorsed RJ Harris stating:
The RLC Board of Directors selected Mr. Harris as one of its first endorsed candidates for the 2010 primary season because of his issue stances in support of individual rights, limited government, and free enterprise. We believe Mr. Harris will be a strong defender of liberty as a member of Congress and an outstanding representative for the people of Oklahoma.
RJ believes that these three endorsements help demonstrate for the voters of the 4th district that he has the principles, message, personality and articulation ability equal to the task of defeating the establishment-backed bailout-voting incumbent; (R) Tom Cole.
About RJ Harris:
RJ Harris is a currently serving nineteen-year Oklahoma Army National Guard Officer, two-time Iraq War Veteran and U.S. Congressional Candidate for Oklahoma's 4th Congressional District. He is a University of Oklahoma graduate in Philosophy and a second year law student at the University of Oklahoma College of Law. RJ is a Constitutional Conservative Republican and a prominent leader in the nation-wide grassroots Liberty Candidate movement. He has appeared on Fox News twice with Judge Andrew Napolitano, before numerous Tea Party candidate panels and been the featured guest on conservative/libertarian talk-radio programs across the country. www.rjharris2010.com
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Jonathan Gibbons
RJ Harris 2010
RJ Harris Picks up Big Endorsements – Rand Paul, OCPAC, and the RLC
RJ Harris Picks up Big Endorsements – Rand Paul, OCPAC, and the RLC
Oklahoma- April 21, 2010
RJ Harris, U.S. Congressional candidate for Oklahoma’s 4th district, has picked up several big endorsements for his 2010 candidacy.
Rand Paul, a Republican U.S. Senate Candidate from Kentucky, endorsed by Sarah Palin and incumbent KY Senator Jim Bunning, endorsed RJ Harris this past summer saying:
I am pleased to enthusiastically endorse RJ Harris for Congress. I believe we stand on the precipice of a disaster. Our country is drowning in a sea of debt. Without significant change our country’s future is threatened. Bankruptcy comes in many forms. None of them pretty. Please do whatever you can to support RJ Harris for Congress. – Dr. Rand Paul
This extraordinary endorsement came early on in the Harris 2010 campaign. According to RJ:
Rand is one of the brightest rising stars in the Liberty Candidate movement and the GOP. With this endorsement he demonstrated his leadership and commitment to taking on the establishment backed bailout voters by supporting and endorsing up-and-coming Liberty Candidates that would be able to help him restore the Republic and the Constitution once elected. It is my high honor to be called to service beside Rand in Congress and to finally be able to return the endorsement having emerged as my incumbent opponent's most serious threat since 2002. His recent endorsements from Sarah Palin and Senator Bunning are further proof that Rand has the principles, judgment and integrity necessary to fight for our individual liberty and state sovereignty from the U.S. Senate. – RJ Harris
The Oklahoma Conservative PAC also endorsed RJ Harris just a few weeks ago after Harris received 90% of the straw poll held at their March meeting. Charlie Meadows, chair of OCPAC, stated the following:
R.J. Harris has become an impressive candidate, improved much in his communication skills and understanding of how Washington should work rather than how it does work. If you want to vote for someone who will work to make a conservative difference, a true reformer, then vote for R.J. Harris. If you want a slick talking Republican that is the poster boy for, “go along to get along”, then vote for Tom Cole. – Charlie Meadows
In November of 2009, the Republican Liberty Caucus also endorsed RJ Harris stating:
The RLC Board of Directors selected Mr. Harris as one of its first endorsed candidates for the 2010 primary season because of his issue stances in support of individual rights, limited government, and free enterprise. We believe Mr. Harris will be a strong defender of liberty as a member of Congress and an outstanding representative for the people of Oklahoma.
RJ believes that these three endorsements help demonstrate for the voters of the 4th district that he has the principles, message, personality and articulation ability equal to the task of defeating the establishment-backed bailout-voting incumbent; (R) Tom Cole.
About RJ Harris:
RJ Harris is a currently serving nineteen-year Oklahoma Army National Guard Officer, two-time Iraq War Veteran and U.S. Congressional Candidate for Oklahoma's 4th Congressional District. He is a University of Oklahoma graduate in Philosophy and a second year law student at the University of Oklahoma College of Law. RJ is a Constitutional Conservative Republican and a prominent leader in the nation-wide grassroots Liberty Candidate movement. He has appeared on Fox News twice with Judge Andrew Napolitano, before numerous Tea Party candidate panels and been the featured guest on conservative/libertarian talk-radio programs across the country. www.rjharris2010.com
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Jonathan Gibbons
RJ Harris 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
U.S. Congressional Candidate Alerted for the Afghanistan Surge
U.S. Congressional Candidate Alerted for the Afghanistan Surge
Oklahoma- April 12, 2010
RJ Harris, Candidate for Oklahoma's 4th U.S. Congressional District, and 19 year veteran of the Army National Guard, has been alerted as part of the surge forces bound for Afghanistan sometime this summer. This will be CW2 Harris' third combat tour having previously served in Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom. RJ announced his candidacy in January of 2009 initially responding to his opponent's then recent vote for the Bailout. While the timing of this alert is unfortunate, Harris will remain in the race under the protections provided candidates activated for military service by 51 Okl. St. S 3.1 and 26 Okl. St. S 12-101.
"Knowing the high probability of deployments, patriotic civilian employers routinely hire, train and retain Guard Soldiers and I have complete faith that the voters in my district will show that same fidelity once convinced of my absolute commitment to the restoration of the Constitution, the Republic, their individual Liberty and Oklahoma's sovereignty."
Once on active duty, the RJ Harris 2010 Campaign will continue through the rigorous activities of the staff and through personal appearances around the district by allied Liberty Candidates and Tea Party activists willing to speak on RJ's behalf. When asked about the unfortunate fact that his district would have no vote during the short months he is away RJ responded, "right now having no vote for a few months would be better than having more votes from Cole for bailouts, Pelosi's 08 stimulus, the ACORN backed Housing Extension Act, Obama's GIVE Act, funds for Planned Parenthood, or foreign aid to Africa when our own debt is pushing $12 Trillion."
For additional information please contact Jonathan Gibbons, the Campaign Manager, at 405 881 0951 or rjharris2010@hotmail.com
About RJ Harris:
RJ Harris is a currently serving nineteen-year Oklahoma Army National Guard Officer, two-time Iraq War Veteran and U.S. Congressional Candidate for Oklahoma's 4th Congressional District. He is a University of Oklahoma graduate in Philosophy and a second year law student at the University of Oklahoma College of Law. RJ is a Constitutional Conservative Republican and a prominent leader in the nation-wide grassroots Liberty Candidate movement. He has appeared on Fox News twice with Judge Andrew Napolitano, before numerous Tea Party candidate panels and been the featured guest on conservative/libertarian talk-radio programs across the country. www.rjharris2010.com
"The Oklahoma National Guard in no way endorses this message nor has it offered any opinions concerning the legitimacy of [Mr. Harris'] statements other than the fact [he and his unit are] about to deploy." LTC Max Moss; OKNG Public Affairs Officer
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Jonathan Gibbons
RJ Harris 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Declaration of Nullification
The following is a sample Declaration of Nullification for you to share with your state legislatures and to ask them to support your state sovereignty. This is not an actual piece of legislation from ANY state...yet.
We the People of the great state of OKLAHOMA hold these truths to be evident from our constitutional contract with the United States of America that the states of that union are as sovereign as foreign states and that they give up only so much of their sovereignty so as to allow for the execution of those powers enumerated and assigned to the federal government in the Constitution. Further, we hold that the United States Constitution represents our people's consent to be governed in any measure beyond that which is contained in our own constitution and the consent of the several states to allow the United States to act for them on the issues of national defense, foreign policy, foreign trade and interstate commerce. Moreover, we hold that when these consents are breached, as they have been by all three branches of the federal government, that each breach is an act of tyranny upon We the People and breach of contract upon the several states. These abuses stretch back to the beginning of the previous century and are evidence of the federal government's long-standing design to reduce the federalist system, consented to in the Constitution, to one of despotic central government rule. Such a government was not envisioned by the founders or by the states that ratified the Constitution or by the states that joined the union since, and such a government is wholly detrimental to the people's liberty and to the sovereignty of states.
To prove these assertions of the federal government's intent towards despotism, let the following facts be submitted to a candid world.
It has often refused to allow the states to govern themselves as necessary for the local public good.
It has passed legislation designed specifically to bribe, blackmail, and coerce the states into compliance with its unfunded mandates.
It has refused to pass legislation to provide for the common defense along the borders of the Republic while forbidding the border state governors from defending their states from a flood of illegal immigration, and it has required those states to bear a disproportionate burden of the financial expenses which inevitably accompany the migration of an entire population.
It has refused to pass reasonable and proportionate immigration legislation to accommodate both those wishing to migrate to the United States and the states that need that productive immigration to sustain their population.
It has called for legislation to be debated and voted upon during inconvenient times so as to require the perpetual stationing of the states representatives to the national capital and to limit the public's awareness of its activities.
It has obstructed the administration of justice by allowing its judiciary to grant itself the extra-constitutional power to judicially construct that which was clearly and unequivocally left to the states under the 10th Amendment to the Constitution.
It has erected a multitude of new offices and bureaucracies to which legislative authority has been delegated, in direct violation of Article I Section 1 of the Constitution, the effect of which has been the harassment of the people, the depletion of the public monies and the wholesale infringement upon individual liberty and state sovereignty as the people and the states attempt to comply with more rules and regulations that can known by the common person.
It has given monies from the treasury, intended for the general Welfare of the Federal Government, not for the individual welfare of its citizens or foreign states, both to foreign governments--to curry favor and engage in entangling alliances--and to individual citizens and special interests groups to buy votes as well as ill-gotten political influence.
It has kept at our expense, and to the detriment of full provision of our own National Guard, in times when war was not declared, standing armies, and delegated to the executive the power to declare war through aggressive foreign policy actions committed in direct violation of Article I Section 8.
It has combined with foreign states to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving its assent to their acts of pretended legislation:
For placing our armed forces under the command of foreign officers; subject to foreign military jurisdictions not in accordance with the Constitution or the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
For quartering and training large bodies of foreign troops in our states and territories at the expense of our treasury under the guise of foreign aid.
For granting law enforcement jurisdiction to foreign police authorities for the purpose of arrest and detention of our citizens, thereby making the people subject to the judicial powers of foreign states and entities rather than of their own states and of their own constitutions and the Constitution of the United States.
For cutting off our trade, under its sole discretion, to all parts of the world.
For preventing the free market growth of commerce, trade or industry, to the detriment of our state's economy under the guise of radical environmentalism, and for the purpose of controlling our prosperity and production rather than merely making it regular among the several states.
For taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and altering fundamentally the forms of our governments.
For declaring in themselves the power to legislate for us in direct contrivance to the 10th Amendment.
It has waged a de facto war upon our prosperity and that of our posterity by levying direct taxation upon the labor of our citizens and empowering its bureaucracies to harass and imprison those unwilling to comply with the legalized theft levied against them or to incriminate themselves in direct violation of the 5th Amendment.
It has stolen the wealth of the entire population by seizing our gold and silver and replacing the same with a worthless paper currency that is manipulated at the whim of private bankers not accountable to the people in the manner that Congress alone is accountable under Article I Section 8.
In so doing, It has turned our states into criminal enterprises by making them unable to comply with the directives of Article I Section 10, which require that all state transactions be conducted in only gold or silver currency and that states make only gold and silver a legal tender in payment of debts.
In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress through the political process, only to have those petitions answered by the repeated injury of the tyranny of the majority inconsistent with the republican government promised to all states in Article IV section 4 of the Constitution. A central government, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define tyranny, is unfit to govern a free republic.
We, therefore, the duly elected legislators of the State of Oklahoma, sitting in general assembly and on behalf of the people of Oklahoma under the eyes of God, declare our sovereign right to nullify any and all federal legislation which breaches our contract with the United States. This authority to act in defense of our citizens and our sovereignty extends to the Governor of Oklahoma and to the Sheriffs of each county to use any and all appropriate means to protect our citizens from the legislative enforcement efforts of the federal government henceforth deemed by this body to be in contradiction to the Constitution of the United States.
The above is provided for your use to debate and discuss the issue of nullification and hopefully institute some form thereof in our/your state. This declaration was modeled on the Declaration of Independence and the author of this declaration, RJ Harris, acknowledges credit to the authors of the Declaration of Independence and that so much of what they had to say permeates this declaration that individual citations would be tiresome and redundant to the readers.
About RJ Harris:
RJ Harris is a currently serving nineteen-year Oklahoma Army National Guard Officer, two-time Iraq War Veteran and U.S. Congressional Candidate for Oklahoma's 4th Congressional District. He is a University of Oklahoma graduate in Philosophy and a second year law student at the University of Oklahoma College of Law. RJ is a Constitutional Conservative Republican and Liberty Candidate. He has appeared on Fox News' Freedom Watch twice with Judge Andrew Napolitano and been the featured guest on conservative/libertarian talk-radio programs across the country. www.rjharris2010.com
Monday, February 22, 2010
Harris to Lead Sooner State Patriots South to Aide Fellow Liberty Candidate Medina
RJ Harris to Lead Sooner State Patriots South to Aide Fellow Liberty Candidate Debra Medina
Oklahoma congressional liberty candidate RJ Harris will be leading a convoy of Sooner State Patriots south to aide Harris’s fellow liberty candidate running for Texas Governor, Debra Medina. In a statement about this convoy, and in response to media attacks against Medina, Harris has said:
Our founders fomented and successfully executed a revolution against the greatest western power of their age. The mainstream media of their day called them radicals, rogues and traitors, while we know them today as the Founders of the greatest republic in history. But would it not have been easier and more tranquil for them to have endured the tyranny of the King and justified it as divine right as did the pundits of their time?
It should then be worn as a badge of honor by our other Liberty Candidates when the main stream media targets one of for them with the same attacks leveled upon the founders--and now upon Debra--for in so doing the media inadvertently reveals to us which candidates are most like the founders themselves.
I am therefore exceedingly proud to have previously announced and now to affirm my endorsement for Debra Medina and I encourage all Liberty Candidate supporters--that are able--to contact the Medina campaign and offer their services to help her in these next critical days before the primary. Her valor fighting for the cause of freedom is an inspiration to patriots everywhere who love this Republic and wish only to see it restored to its founding glory. My supporters and I are ready and willing to visit Texas the weekend before the primary to help Debra spread the message of Liberty.
The Harris campaign has announced that it will be leading a convoy on Saturday at 8am to northern Texas to help aid the Medina for Texas campaign. For more information about joining the convoy, please contact the RJ Harris campaign at contact@rjharris2010.com
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Harris Challenges Rep. Cole to a Series of Debates
RJ Harris is publicly challenging incumbent Tom Cole to a series of debates to be held at publicly accessible venues and media outlets. One of the ethical lessons coming from the tea party movements is that the people want to interview their candidates and be able to question their representatives. Harris is issuing an open invitation to any news organization, activist group, college club or organization, who would like to host one or more of the series. Contact Jonathan Gibbons at 405-881-0951 if you have any interest in hosting the event.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Campaign Update and Fundraiser Thank You
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
New Poll Shows RJ Harris Moving Closer to a 2010 Victory
New Poll Shows RJ Harris Moving Closer to a 2010 Victory
New Poll Shows RJ Harris Moving Closer to a 2010 Victory
Oklahoma- January 13, 2010
A recent poll conducted by Persistence Consulting LLC puts seven-year incumbent Tom Cole at 45%, challenger RJ Harris at 33% with 22% undecided. Previous polls have placed RJ Harris between 25% and 31%, and Tom Cole between 42% and 60%. There has been a steady decline in percentage points for Tom Cole and a steady increase in percentage points for RJ Harris. RJ Harris appears to be moving closer to a victory in 2010.
This poll was cast among likely republican primary voters in Oklahoma’s fourth congressional district.
About RJ Harris:
RJ Harris is a currently serving nineteen-year Oklahoma Army National Guard Officer, two-time Iraq War Veteran and U.S. Congressional Candidate for Oklahoma's 4th Congressional District. He is a University of Oklahoma graduate in Philosophy and a second year law student at the University of Oklahoma College of Law. RJ is a Constitutional Conservative Republican and the first 912 Liberty Candidate in the nation. He has appeared on Fox News' Freedom Watch twice with Judge Andrew Napolitano and been the featured guest on conservative/libertarian talk-radio programs across the country.
To read more about Harris and his position on the issues you may visit www.rjharris2010.com/blogs Harris’s blogs are free to use for Op-Ed’s and Editorial’s.
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Jonathan Gibbons
RJ Harris 2010
Congressional Candidate Fundraiser at the Interurban Restaurant in Norman on Jan. 15th
Congressional Candidate Fundraiser at the Interurban Restaurant in Norman on Jan. 15th
Oklahoma- January 11, 2010
Fourth District Congressional Candidate, RJ Harris, will be holding a fundraiser at the Interurban Restaurant in Norman on January 15th. The one day goal for the fundraiser is $20,000. The Harris campaign has used “money bombs”, an internet fundraising event made famous during the Ron Paul Presidential candidacy, to raise $33,000. This fundraiser will take heed of the money bomb strategy, while also making the biggest effort to reach out to local constituents, thus far. RJ Harris will be present both online and at the Interurban restaurant to meet with voters and take questions.
The central hub of the fundraiser can be found online at www.rjharrismoneybomb.com The Harris campaign will be advertising this event with local talk radio. The campaign has also utilized a video to capture the audio of the local radio advertisement. This video can be found here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7247uTWa68&feature=player_embedded
RJ Harris has provided the following message regarding this event:
"Many are questioning the staying power and tenacity of the Tea Party/912/Liberty Movement currently sweeping the Nation and whether it will have the political muscle to initiate and sustain real changes in the current government. On January 15th 2010 the Citizens of Oklahoma will have an opportunity to show the world that they are ready to directly engage the ruling classes in the political establishment by donating to a Congressional Candidate who owes no political favors, who has no political "career" to protect, and who has made Constitutional Conservatism the watch-words of his campaign." RJ Harris
To read more press releases and blogs from RJ Harris 2010 you may visit
www.rjharris2010.com/blogs.asp These blogs are free to use for Op-Ed’s and Editorial’s.
About RJ Harris:
RJ Harris is a currently serving nineteen-year Oklahoma Army National Guard Officer, two-time Iraq War Veteran and U.S. Congressional Candidate for Oklahoma's 4th Congressional District. He is a University of Oklahoma graduate in Philosophy and a second year law student at the University of Oklahoma College of Law. RJ is a Constitutional Conservative Republican and the first 912 Liberty Candidate in the nation. He has appeared on Fox News' Freedom Watch twice with Judge Andrew Napolitano and been the featured guest on conservative/libertarian talk-radio programs across the country.
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Jonathan Gibbons
RJ Harris 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
RJ Harris January 15th Major Fundraising Event
RJ Harris January 15th Major Fundraising Event
Oklahoma- January 4, 2009
"Many are questioning the staying power and tenacity of the Tea Party/912/Liberty Movement currently sweeping the Nation and whether it will have the political muscle to initiate and sustain real changes in the current government. On January 15th 2010 the Citizens of Oklahoma will have an opportunity to show the world that they are ready to directly engage the ruling classes in the political establishment by donating to a Congressional Candidate who owes no political favors, who has no political "career" to protect, and who has made Constitutional Conservatism the watch-words of his campaign." RJ Harris
Until now the RJ Harris 2010 Campaign has done very well getting our message out via the internet, word-of-mouth, robo-calling, chain-emailing, youtube video blogging, and with personal campaign appearances around the district from RJ and his staff. Now we need to pump- up our ground game and open up a visible campaign HQ from which we can direct a district-wide effort to energize the Liberty Constituents and directly disseminate the Liberty Message to the entire electorate. On January 15th, we’ll be holding our biggest fundraising event yet. www.rjharrismoneybomb.com will be the central online location for the event. Further information on physical locations will be announced in the coming days.
About RJ Harris:
RJ Harris is a currently serving nineteen-year Oklahoma Army National Guard Officer, two-time Iraq War Veteran and U.S. Congressional Candidate for Oklahoma's 4th Congressional District. He is a University of Oklahoma graduate in Philosophy and a second year law student at the University of Oklahoma College of Law. RJ is a Constitutional Conservative Republican and the first 912 Liberty Candidate in the nation. He has appeared on Fox News' Freedom Watch twice with Judge Andrew Napolitano and been the featured guest on conservative/libertarian talk-radio programs across the country.
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Jonathan Gibbons
RJ Harris 2010
Friday, January 1, 2010
Kicking off the New Year
Dear Patriots,
Firstly, we would like to thank everyone who has helped this campaign move forward throughout 2009 and wish you all a very Happy New Year. Without your dedication and support we would not be polling in at 31% with our opponent falling below 50%. RJ is within striking distance of defeating Tom Cole! Our message is resonating. Our trouble is not winning over the voters, but getting the message out to them. With just over $30,000 we’ve accomplished what many have called the impossible. Your money has been put to good work!
Throughout the past month we’ve engaged in some reorganization and major planning for the New Year. Some of you may have already noticed various changes on our website. We’ve designed three new websites and updated our main website. Additionally, now you can get active in debate and discussion on the RJ Harris Forums at www.harrisforoklahoma.com/forums.
Many have asked for yard signs, bumper stickers, t-shirts, banners, flyers, etc., so we’ve revamped our campaign store at www.cafepress.com/rjharris . Now you can get all of the campaign materials you could ever hope for, even bowls for your dog! We encourage everyone in the district to purchase a yard sign and get it out on your front yard ASAP.
Three new websites:
www.harrisforoklahoma.com We’ve created a companion website for the campaign. www.harrisforoklahoma.com encapsulates many of the various suggestions and requests of several thousand persons that we’ve met in person and spoken to through the web. We hope this website will consolidate many of the key characteristics of RJ Harris and his candidacy. We’ve condensed the ever-growing
www.rjharris2010.com material into more of a “brochure-like” presentation for voters just getting to know RJ.
www.harrisvscole.com We’ve created a dedicated website to explain the differences between RJ Harris and Tom Cole. Many have asked for this and there were so many differences that we felt it deserved its own home on the web.
www.rjharrismoneybomb.com Many of you may be familiar with this website already. The great patriots over at retake congress used this to put on a money bomb for us several months ago. We’ve since upgraded the site and added our latest money bomb, on January 15th.
We hope the above websites will help to grab more visitors’ attention and improve our overall internet campaign which has been crucial to our success.
Moving forward in our campaign to defeat corporatism, fiscal liberalism, and unconstitutional legislations, we are holding our biggest Money Bomb yet. On January 15th, we’ll be holding a money bomb to raise $250,000 to get us through the rest of the campaign. We are in need of a publicly visible campaign HQ’s to reach out to more voters and raise more money in the district. We have a great place picked out but need your help to secure it as our HQ’s. Please mark the date January 15th on your calendar and spread the word to everyone you know. The victory of this campaign is dependent on your continued support and financial help. As was already stated, the issue isn’t whether or not our message can win, but whether or not we are able to get it out to enough voters.
www.rjharrismoneybomb.com is the central hub for this upcoming Money Bomb.
For Liberty,
Jonathan Gibbons
Campaign Manager
Web Director
RJ Harris 2010
“Socialism and Corporatism are taking over our government, our Republic is failing, the Constitution is being ignored and the American birthright of freedom is being sold out by the very people sworn to protect it. The time for neutrality and sunshine patriotism is over. It’s time to fight with your activism and your money and your votes; or watch your country die. It’s time to hold the representatives we elected accountable by replacing them with Constitutional Conservative Candidates from within our ranks. It is time to WAKE UP, and fight for liberty!” RJ Harris