RJ Harris is publicly challenging incumbent Tom Cole to a series of debates to be held at publicly accessible venues and media outlets. One of the ethical lessons coming from the tea party movements is that the people want to interview their candidates and be able to question their representatives. Harris is issuing an open invitation to any news organization, activist group, college club or organization, who would like to host one or more of the series. Contact Jonathan Gibbons at 405-881-0951 if you have any interest in hosting the event.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Harris Challenges Rep. Cole to a Series of Debates
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Campaign Update and Fundraiser Thank You
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
New Poll Shows RJ Harris Moving Closer to a 2010 Victory
New Poll Shows RJ Harris Moving Closer to a 2010 Victory
New Poll Shows RJ Harris Moving Closer to a 2010 Victory
Oklahoma- January 13, 2010
A recent poll conducted by Persistence Consulting LLC puts seven-year incumbent Tom Cole at 45%, challenger RJ Harris at 33% with 22% undecided. Previous polls have placed RJ Harris between 25% and 31%, and Tom Cole between 42% and 60%. There has been a steady decline in percentage points for Tom Cole and a steady increase in percentage points for RJ Harris. RJ Harris appears to be moving closer to a victory in 2010.
This poll was cast among likely republican primary voters in Oklahoma’s fourth congressional district.
About RJ Harris:
RJ Harris is a currently serving nineteen-year Oklahoma Army National Guard Officer, two-time Iraq War Veteran and U.S. Congressional Candidate for Oklahoma's 4th Congressional District. He is a University of Oklahoma graduate in Philosophy and a second year law student at the University of Oklahoma College of Law. RJ is a Constitutional Conservative Republican and the first 912 Liberty Candidate in the nation. He has appeared on Fox News' Freedom Watch twice with Judge Andrew Napolitano and been the featured guest on conservative/libertarian talk-radio programs across the country.
To read more about Harris and his position on the issues you may visit www.rjharris2010.com/blogs Harris’s blogs are free to use for Op-Ed’s and Editorial’s.
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Jonathan Gibbons
RJ Harris 2010
Congressional Candidate Fundraiser at the Interurban Restaurant in Norman on Jan. 15th
Congressional Candidate Fundraiser at the Interurban Restaurant in Norman on Jan. 15th
Oklahoma- January 11, 2010
Fourth District Congressional Candidate, RJ Harris, will be holding a fundraiser at the Interurban Restaurant in Norman on January 15th. The one day goal for the fundraiser is $20,000. The Harris campaign has used “money bombs”, an internet fundraising event made famous during the Ron Paul Presidential candidacy, to raise $33,000. This fundraiser will take heed of the money bomb strategy, while also making the biggest effort to reach out to local constituents, thus far. RJ Harris will be present both online and at the Interurban restaurant to meet with voters and take questions.
The central hub of the fundraiser can be found online at www.rjharrismoneybomb.com The Harris campaign will be advertising this event with local talk radio. The campaign has also utilized a video to capture the audio of the local radio advertisement. This video can be found here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7247uTWa68&feature=player_embedded
RJ Harris has provided the following message regarding this event:
"Many are questioning the staying power and tenacity of the Tea Party/912/Liberty Movement currently sweeping the Nation and whether it will have the political muscle to initiate and sustain real changes in the current government. On January 15th 2010 the Citizens of Oklahoma will have an opportunity to show the world that they are ready to directly engage the ruling classes in the political establishment by donating to a Congressional Candidate who owes no political favors, who has no political "career" to protect, and who has made Constitutional Conservatism the watch-words of his campaign." RJ Harris
To read more press releases and blogs from RJ Harris 2010 you may visit
www.rjharris2010.com/blogs.asp These blogs are free to use for Op-Ed’s and Editorial’s.
About RJ Harris:
RJ Harris is a currently serving nineteen-year Oklahoma Army National Guard Officer, two-time Iraq War Veteran and U.S. Congressional Candidate for Oklahoma's 4th Congressional District. He is a University of Oklahoma graduate in Philosophy and a second year law student at the University of Oklahoma College of Law. RJ is a Constitutional Conservative Republican and the first 912 Liberty Candidate in the nation. He has appeared on Fox News' Freedom Watch twice with Judge Andrew Napolitano and been the featured guest on conservative/libertarian talk-radio programs across the country.
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Jonathan Gibbons
RJ Harris 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
RJ Harris January 15th Major Fundraising Event
RJ Harris January 15th Major Fundraising Event
Oklahoma- January 4, 2009
"Many are questioning the staying power and tenacity of the Tea Party/912/Liberty Movement currently sweeping the Nation and whether it will have the political muscle to initiate and sustain real changes in the current government. On January 15th 2010 the Citizens of Oklahoma will have an opportunity to show the world that they are ready to directly engage the ruling classes in the political establishment by donating to a Congressional Candidate who owes no political favors, who has no political "career" to protect, and who has made Constitutional Conservatism the watch-words of his campaign." RJ Harris
Until now the RJ Harris 2010 Campaign has done very well getting our message out via the internet, word-of-mouth, robo-calling, chain-emailing, youtube video blogging, and with personal campaign appearances around the district from RJ and his staff. Now we need to pump- up our ground game and open up a visible campaign HQ from which we can direct a district-wide effort to energize the Liberty Constituents and directly disseminate the Liberty Message to the entire electorate. On January 15th, we’ll be holding our biggest fundraising event yet. www.rjharrismoneybomb.com will be the central online location for the event. Further information on physical locations will be announced in the coming days.
About RJ Harris:
RJ Harris is a currently serving nineteen-year Oklahoma Army National Guard Officer, two-time Iraq War Veteran and U.S. Congressional Candidate for Oklahoma's 4th Congressional District. He is a University of Oklahoma graduate in Philosophy and a second year law student at the University of Oklahoma College of Law. RJ is a Constitutional Conservative Republican and the first 912 Liberty Candidate in the nation. He has appeared on Fox News' Freedom Watch twice with Judge Andrew Napolitano and been the featured guest on conservative/libertarian talk-radio programs across the country.
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Jonathan Gibbons
RJ Harris 2010
Friday, January 1, 2010
Kicking off the New Year
Dear Patriots,
Firstly, we would like to thank everyone who has helped this campaign move forward throughout 2009 and wish you all a very Happy New Year. Without your dedication and support we would not be polling in at 31% with our opponent falling below 50%. RJ is within striking distance of defeating Tom Cole! Our message is resonating. Our trouble is not winning over the voters, but getting the message out to them. With just over $30,000 we’ve accomplished what many have called the impossible. Your money has been put to good work!
Throughout the past month we’ve engaged in some reorganization and major planning for the New Year. Some of you may have already noticed various changes on our website. We’ve designed three new websites and updated our main website. Additionally, now you can get active in debate and discussion on the RJ Harris Forums at www.harrisforoklahoma.com/forums.
Many have asked for yard signs, bumper stickers, t-shirts, banners, flyers, etc., so we’ve revamped our campaign store at www.cafepress.com/rjharris . Now you can get all of the campaign materials you could ever hope for, even bowls for your dog! We encourage everyone in the district to purchase a yard sign and get it out on your front yard ASAP.
Three new websites:
www.harrisforoklahoma.com We’ve created a companion website for the campaign. www.harrisforoklahoma.com encapsulates many of the various suggestions and requests of several thousand persons that we’ve met in person and spoken to through the web. We hope this website will consolidate many of the key characteristics of RJ Harris and his candidacy. We’ve condensed the ever-growing
www.rjharris2010.com material into more of a “brochure-like” presentation for voters just getting to know RJ.
www.harrisvscole.com We’ve created a dedicated website to explain the differences between RJ Harris and Tom Cole. Many have asked for this and there were so many differences that we felt it deserved its own home on the web.
www.rjharrismoneybomb.com Many of you may be familiar with this website already. The great patriots over at retake congress used this to put on a money bomb for us several months ago. We’ve since upgraded the site and added our latest money bomb, on January 15th.
We hope the above websites will help to grab more visitors’ attention and improve our overall internet campaign which has been crucial to our success.
Moving forward in our campaign to defeat corporatism, fiscal liberalism, and unconstitutional legislations, we are holding our biggest Money Bomb yet. On January 15th, we’ll be holding a money bomb to raise $250,000 to get us through the rest of the campaign. We are in need of a publicly visible campaign HQ’s to reach out to more voters and raise more money in the district. We have a great place picked out but need your help to secure it as our HQ’s. Please mark the date January 15th on your calendar and spread the word to everyone you know. The victory of this campaign is dependent on your continued support and financial help. As was already stated, the issue isn’t whether or not our message can win, but whether or not we are able to get it out to enough voters.
www.rjharrismoneybomb.com is the central hub for this upcoming Money Bomb.
For Liberty,
Jonathan Gibbons
Campaign Manager
Web Director
RJ Harris 2010
“Socialism and Corporatism are taking over our government, our Republic is failing, the Constitution is being ignored and the American birthright of freedom is being sold out by the very people sworn to protect it. The time for neutrality and sunshine patriotism is over. It’s time to fight with your activism and your money and your votes; or watch your country die. It’s time to hold the representatives we elected accountable by replacing them with Constitutional Conservative Candidates from within our ranks. It is time to WAKE UP, and fight for liberty!” RJ Harris