Sunday, December 13, 2009

WAKE UP AMERICA; it’s time to fight for Liberty!

Originally Posted on April 28, 2009 by RJ Harris

Unprecedented in our nations recent history, the silent liberty loving majority has begun to wake up to the “long train of abuses” being perpetrated against them by the current ruling classes. Unfortunately, many in the leadership of the many grass-roots organizations attempting to marshal the awaking body politic have asserted that they should not be politically active nor partisan- motivated. God love the Birchers, but for the last 50+ years they have attempted that exact same non-political, educational effort to no avail…for here we are watching as the Congress and the White House rip our Constitution to shreds, destroying our Republic in the process, while we stand by being non-political and non-partisan. What have the current incumbent bailout voters to fear so long as we remain non-political? They can simply wait out this current gale of anger from us and then go back to their nefarious ways when we go back to sleep. The only thing they understand, like so many tyrants before them, is political force. When we start replacing them with Constitutional Conservatives, in large numbers, THEN we will certainly have their attention.

So how do we keep these new patriots awake and in the fight? I guarantee you it’s not through being non-political and merely an educational movement. People do not stay up all night making signs to hang from freeway overpasses nor post blogs all over the net for “educational” efforts. They do not give money in record amounts, like they did for Ron Paul, for efforts that will not result in real change. They do not get back involved in their parties to rid them of the socialists (Democrats) and corporatists (Republicans) that have taken them over by staying neutral. And they do not march in the streets with the same fire and righteous anger as they did on April 15th 2009 when they are repeatedly told that their fight is going to be non-political, neutral and therefore irrelevant. However, we will do and have done all of those things for Constitutional Conservative Candidates that we KNOW will stand up and fight for US!

My fellow Americans and Oklahomans, there are Constitutional Conservative Candidates stepping forward to fight for us all over this country and they have the establishment in both major parties running scared. As a result you can bet that they will not get any financial aid or volunteer support from their respective party establishments. Furthermore, real Constitutional Conservative Candidates will refuse to solicit money from lobbyists or party officials known to be supporting bailout voters. Thus, as much as the Constitutional Conservatives are riding to our aid, we must ride to theirs and support them with donations and volunteerism.

Socialism and Corporatism are taking over our government, our Republic is failing, the Constitution is being ignored and the American birthright of freedom is being sold out by the very people sworn to protect it. The time for neutrality and sunshine patriotism is over. It’s time to fight with your activism and your money and your votes; or watch your country die. It’s time to hold the representatives we elected accountable by replacing them with Constitutional Conservative Candidates from within our ranks. It is time to WAKE UP, and fight for liberty!

The consequences of continued non-political efforts and neutrality are too heinous to even consider. But consider them we must. When the Roman Republic fell to imperialism from within itself, the western world did not know freedom again until 1776. For 1700+ years’ freedom and individual liberties were ignored by the great western powers of the world. If we let freedom and liberty fail on our watch, how long will it be, how many generations will pass, before the next George Washington or Thomas Jefferson are born?

We must fight now or freedom will fail and our children will wake up slaves in the land our fathers founded. FOR LIBERTY!


RJ Harris
Norman, OK
OK Dist4 Congressional Candidate
Constitutional Conservative Republican

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” (Edmund Burke)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Vote No on MAPS

When Are We Going to Stop Stealing From Each Other?

Citizens of Oklahoma County, especially those in the 4th U.S. Congressional District: When you vote tomorrow, please remember that public monies are raised using the force of law and can only ethically be used to pay for those legitimate functions of government contained in the US Constitution and the Constitution of the great state of Oklahoma. Mortgaging our children's future to pay for private corporate projects is NOT a legitimate governmental function. So if you intend to vote for this initiative and you know that the money raised will not be used for legitimate government purposes, then please realize you are voting to allow the government to steal from your neighbors for the benefit of private interests.

Congressman Tom Cole and OKC Mayor Mick Cornett: The power of your positions exist NOT to provide yourselves or your benefactors with profit, but to guarantee the liberty and freedom of the people and the sovereignty of Oklahoma.


RJ Harris
Norman, OK
OK Dist4 Congressional Candidate
Constitutional Conservative Republican

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Way Forward in the War on Terror

A Congressional Candidates Response to the Afghanistan Surge of 2009

Somewhere between the events of 911 and the President's Afghanistan "surge speech" we seem to have forgotten that what distinguishes us from the terrorists trying to kill us is our commitment to the rule of law. Terrorists and pirates care nothing about safeguarding individual liberty or fundamental human rights, but we do. Our commitment to these formalities is what makes us human and free and makes them the enemies of humanity. This commitment requires us to provide due process and equal protection to all persons, not only citizens, within our Republic's jurisdiction regardless of where they were captured or where they are currently held. (14th Amendment) To meet this due process requirement, and to classify enemy combatants, terrorist or pirates as prisoners of war, requires; 1. notice; 2. an opportunity to be heard. For soldiers of a foreign sovereign to have the required notice requires a formal declaration of war issued by our Congress. Article I section 8 of the Constitution limits this power to only the Congress. This power cannot be delegated to the President by way of Authorization for the Use of Force Resolutions, as was done in Iraq and Afghanistan, because the President would then be able to commit acts of war without a war being first properly declared. The President may defend the lives, liberty and property of U.S. Citizens while eminent threats remain but to go on offense requires a proper congressional war declaration.

For suspected international terrorists or pirates to have the notice required under due process requires that Letters of Reprisals (declarations of war upon stateless actors and activities) be issued against them by Congress and for Congress to have defined and set the punishments for piracies and offences against the law of Nations. (Article I Section 8) To date, no Letters of Reprisal have been issued against ANY terrorist organization or activity. For all of the persons herein mentioned, an opportunity to be heard is provided when the above formalities have taken place, before or during the outbreak of hostilities, thereby allowing these persons to be classified as prisoners of war, held under military authority and tried in accordance with the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Considering then our commitment to the rule of law, the way forward in the War on Terror is clear. First, we must withdraw conventional occupation forces from any sovereign that has not had a congressional declaration of War issued against it or Letters of Reprisal issued against terrorist groups harbored therein. Second, those foreign groups and individuals that have in the past and continue to this day to use violence to infringe upon the lives, liberty or property of Americans must have Letters of Reprisal issued against them so that they can be killed or captured legally. Third, those that are then captured must be treated as prisoners of war and housed in military prisons until they can receive a fair trial and just punishments in accordance with the Uniform Code of Military Justice. And finally, we must use our superior force projection capabilities, Letters of Marque (bounties) and diplomatic contacts to interdict those with Letters of Reprisal levied against them as they attempt to travel and or congregate.

Given the government's current commitment to expanding our military presence in Afghanistan as outlined by the President's speech Tuesday last, I am calling upon my future colleagues in the Congress to remember our commitment to the rule of law by immediately voting on resolutions to secure Letters of Reprisal against Al Qaida in Afghanistan and Pakistan and to define and set the punishments for international terrorism and piracy. To do otherwise is to turn the courage, honor and valor of our veterans into instruments of lawlessness and unconstitutionality. Such is the size and scope of our legal errors prosecuting the War on Terror up till now that they are nearly insurmountable. But if we will return to our founding principles, codified in the Constitution, the Spirit of the Founders will light our way.

For Liberty!

RJ Harris
Norman, OK
OK Dist4 Congressional Candidate
Constitutional Conservative Republican

Sunday, November 22, 2009

RJ Speaking at the OKC End the Fed Rally

Friday, November 20, 2009

New Poll Shows Seven-Year Incumbent Tom Cole falling to 42%


New Poll Shows Seven-Year Incumbent Tom Cole falling to 42%

Oklahoma- November 20, 2009

A recent poll conducted by Persistence Consulting LLC puts seven-year incumbent Tom Cole at 42%, challenger RJ Harris at 26% with and unprecedented 32% undecided. The poll was cast among likely republican primary voters in Oklahoma’s fourth congressional district. This poll clearly shows that 58% of Oklahoma’s 4th congressional district republican primary voters are ready for a new representative, and that Harris’s message is having a powerful effect on this race.

About RJ Harris:

RJ Harris is a currently serving nineteen-year Oklahoma Army National Guard Officer, two-time Iraq War Veteran and U.S. Congressional Candidate for Oklahoma's 4th Congressional District. He is a University of Oklahoma graduate in Philosophy and a second year law student at the University of Oklahoma College of Law. RJ is a Constitutional Conservative Republican and the first 912 Liberty Candidate in the nation. He has appeared on Fox News' Freedom Watch twice with Judge Andrew Napolitano and been the featured guest on conservative/libertarian talk-radio programs across the country.

To read more about Harris and his position on the issues you may visit Harris’s blogs are free to use for Op-Ed’s and Editorial’s.

# # #

Jonathan Gibbons
RJ Harris 2010

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The National Republican Liberty Caucus Endorses RJ Harris

November 18, 2009 – We are proud to announce RJ Harris US Congressional Candidate Oklahoma 4th District has been endorsed by The Republican Liberty Caucus National Board. Below is the RLC's letter of endorsement which you may also find at the

November 17, 2009

The Republican Liberty Caucus is pleased to announce its endorsement of R.J. Harris in his campaign to represent the 4th District of Oklahoma in the House of Representatives.

The RLC Board of Directors selected Mr. Harris as one of its first endorsed candidates for the 2010 primary season because of his issue stances in support of individual rights, limited government, and free enterprise. We believe Mr. Harris will be a strong defender of liberty as a member of Congress and an outstanding representative for the people of Oklahoma.

“As a soldier Mr. Harris has pledged his life to support and defend the Constitution. He has the character and integrity to be the next Congressman from Oklahoma because he has done something that most congressmen have not done, and that is he has actually reads and understands the Constitution,” said RLC National Committee member Dan Sheill.

Dave Nalle, of Texas, the national chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus, mentioned that “what separates R.J. Harris from most conservatives today is that he fully understands that respect for the 10th Amendment and federalism requires that Congress and the President cannot legislate social policy that is properly reserved to the states.”

The Republican Liberty Caucus wishes Mr. Harris good luck in his campaign, and will do everything in its power to promote him and Republican candidates like him to bring the Republican Party back to its core principles of individual liberty, limited government, and free enterprise.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Health Care Bill and Your Rights…As A Parent.

By RJ Harris, U.S. Congressional Candidate Oklahoma 4th District

The Ninth Amendment of the Bill of Rights protects your un-enumerated rights. The Supreme Court has held that the right to have children is a fundamental right and therefore is indeed protected by this amendment. Hand in hand with this right, is the right to raise your children as you see fit according to your own beliefs, morals and standards so long as those do not infringe upon the child's own rights to life, liberty, property or unremunerated rights (remembering that you are the guardian of your children's rights until they reach the age(s) of consent).

As a parent then, and the legal guardian of your children's inalienable as well as constitutionally protected rights, what are you going to do when a panel of government bean counters says that you cannot have your baby, you MUST abort him, because he has Down Syndrome and he will present an unacceptable cost on the now socialized health care system?

As a parent then, what are you going to do when life saving treatment is refused to your child because it is deemed costly to the system or because it's chance of success is lower than what the newly commissioned "Federal Health Agency" believes is acceptable even if the doctors want to try and save your child's life.

As a parent then, what are you going to do when government bureaucrats, heavily lobbied by the pharmaceutical industry and under the authority about to be given to them by Congress through this bill, FORCE your children to have administered to them experimental vaccinations and inoculations as was done to hundreds of thousands of Desert Storm soldiers in 1990?

As a parent then, what are you going to do when the government uses hereditary dispositions and government mandated DNA testing to determine that your child's potential future medical conditions, as well as those he could pass on to his children, require that he be sterilized?

As a parent then, are you going to sit there and take this from a federal government whose only job is supposed to be to protect our individual liberty and state sovereignty? When you are in a government ran neo-natal facility about to have your baby forcibly aborted…it will be too late to make your stand against these tyrannies. When your child is turned away from a government cancer or heart defect facility…it will be too late to make your stand against these tyrannies. When you come home from work and find out that your child was vaccinated without your consent while she was at school…it will be too late to make your stand against these tyrannies. When your child suffers horrible debilitating reactions to experimental inoculations, as did thousands of Desert Storm soldiers to their experimental anthrax inoculations…it will be too late to make your stand against these tyrannies. When a routine check-up in a government run health clinic finds your child is a victim of a hereditary disease that could be wiped out if all carriers were sterilized…it will be too late for you to make your stand against these tyrannies.

You must make your stand now! Vote to replace any Congressman or Senator that voted/votes for this bill and make sure that they know now that that is what you’re going to do. Should this bill pass, call, email and write your Governor's office and tell her that you demand she protect the citizenry of your state from these unconstitutional tyrannies and if she refuses…then make sure you vote for a Liberty Candidate to replace her. For example, State Senator Randy Brogdon, Candidate for Governor of Oklahoma, has said that he will block at the border all unconstitutional federal infringements into Oklahoma sovereignty and personal liberty that Washington foists upon the states. I have said that as Congressman I will not vote for ANY unconstitutional legislation or spending. My friends, these are the leaders we need. Electing persons of courage and audacity to fight for us is how we make our stand against these tyrannies BEFORE they can gain a hold.

Fellow parents, if we allow this government to continue down this progressive road to socialism unchecked by our political force…it will take more than votes to make our stand against these tyrannies. And when the fighting requires more than an appearance at a town hall meeting or some time to investigate the candidates or a donation to a Constitutional Conservative, we will have the awful shame of knowing that we were the generation that squandered our children's birthright of freedom bequeathed to them by the Spirit of the Founders.

About RJ Harris:

RJ Harris is a currently serving nineteen-year Oklahoma Army National Guard Officer, two-time Iraq War Veteran and U.S. Congressional Candidate for Oklahoma's 4th Congressional District. He is a University of Oklahoma graduate in Philosophy and a second year law student at the University of Oklahoma College of Law. RJ is a Constitutional Conservative Republican and the first 912 Liberty Candidate in the nation. He has appeared on Fox News' Freedom Watch twice with Judge Andrew Napolitano and been the featured guest on conservative/libertarian talk-radio programs across the country.

Does the Constitution Allow Congress to Provide Health Care?

By RJ Harris, U.S. Congressional Candidate Oklahoma 4th District

Heath Care is an individual welfare and as such the federal government has no business attempting to provide it or dictating to our states how to provide it. Article I Sec 8 of the Constitution allows the Congress to provide for the general welfare "of the United States." Herein the United States is referred to as an entity unto itself which excludes the notion of welfare as the greater good for the most individuals. Individual welfare is never mentioned in the Constitution and the Congress has no power to provide it. However, the Tenth Amendment reserves all powers not explicitly given to Congress to the states. Thus, the states may provide socialized health care, if their citizens allow them, but the federal Congress cannot. The only way Congress could and should address problems in the health care market is to ensure that trade barriers to the health insurance market, erected between the states, are removed in accordance with the commerce clause.

About RJ Harris:

RJ Harris is a currently serving nineteen-year Oklahoma Army National Guard Officer, two-time Iraq War Veteran and U.S. Congressional Candidate for Oklahoma's 4th Congressional District. He is a University of Oklahoma graduate in Philosophy and a second year law student at the University of Oklahoma College of Law. RJ is a Constitutional Conservative Republican and the first 912 Liberty Candidate in the nation. He has appeared on Fox News' Freedom Watch twice with Judge Andrew Napolitano and been the featured guest on conservative/libertarian talk-radio programs across the country.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Doug Hoffman: Champion of the Republic!

By RJ Harris, U.S. Congressional Candidate Oklahoma 4th District

NY 23rd and What it Means to the Nation.

Lost among the political posturing and punditry is the simple unassailable fact that a little known conservative candidate stood up to the GOP establishment in his state, which had abandoned him for a liberal, and demanded that the voice of the people, and not the party, finally be heard. Hurled at him were the usual diatribes from the usual suspects questioning his viability, his loyalty and his motives. Slowly, by remaining faithful to his message and his constituents, he began to attract the attention of his district's conservative base and the help and praise from stalwart conservatives and libertarians from all over the nation. Tea Party Patriots and 912 Marchers began buzzing about an opportunity to stand up and with a loud clear voice shout to the President, the socialists, the progressives and the turncoat liberal wing of the GOP that we are mad as hell and we are not going to take it anymore! Win or lose Doug Hoffman is a champion of the Republic and what he has done changes everything.

In the aftermath of election day, people will ask 'what are the ramifications of this historic occurrence on the upcoming 2010 off-year elections'? The most obvious answer for incumbent Republican and Democrat progressive bailout voters, including my opponent for Oklahoma's 4th US Congressional district is: start packing your lockers because your replacements are on their way!

About RJ Harris:

RJ Harris is a currently serving nineteen-year Oklahoma Army National Guard Officer, two-time Iraq War Veteran and U.S. Congressional Candidate for Oklahoma's 4th Congressional District. He is a University of Oklahoma graduate in Philosophy and a second year law student at the University of Oklahoma College of Law. RJ is a Constitutional Conservative Republican and the first 912 Liberty Candidate in the nation. He has appeared on Fox News' Freedom Watch twice with Judge Andrew Napolitano and been the featured guest on conservative/libertarian talk-radio programs across the country.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tom Cole and Lindsey Graham’s GOP; the Party of Failure. Ron Paul and the Liberty Candidate’s GOP; the Party of Freedom!

Cole and Graham’s GOP; the Party of Failure. Ron Paul and the Liberty Candidate’s GOP; the Party of Freedom!

By RJ Harris

Coming off of stinging defeats in the last two national elections, the GOP has done all it can to convince everyone from the party faithful to the skeptical media to the previously disillusioned and now to the awaking body politic that the GOP can restore itself to its founding glory while leading the fight to restore our republic. Against this backdrop of promised "hope and change" remain bailout voters and big government progressives like Republican Senator Lindsey Graham and Republican Congressman Tom Cole. Both of these "Republicans" voted for bailouts and for stimulus packages prior to the financial collapse. Both of them have voted to fund un-declared wars and both of them have continued to support unconstitutional federal infringements into education and state sovereignty as well as unconstitutional expenditures on foreign aid. Cole has even gone so far as voting for Obama's GIVE Act, which will eventually turn all of our college students into involuntary servants to the state. With people like Cole and Graham holding high office under the Republican banner, it is no wonder the Tea Party Patriots and 912 Marchers have shown the GOP as much contempt as they have the Democrats.

Fed up with the rhetoric and tyranny from these men, a primary challenger has emerged against Cole and a hostile crowd greeted Graham at his recent town hall meeting wherein he claimed that he was attempting to grow the GOP's ranks while at the same time blasting the largest segment of new Republicans in a generation; the Ron Paul supporters. The media and GOP apologists zeroed in on the unruly behavior of the Paul supporters but the story only begins there. Congressman Paul has inspired more than one Congressional Candidate to challenge Cole and a few rabble-rousers to harass Senator Graham. Websites, facebook groups and local conservative groups are sounding the arrival of the grass-roots Liberty Candidates--Rand Paul, Adam Kokesh, RJ Harris (challenging Cole), Peter Schiff and many more. These candidates are popping up on the web and in the districts. It is almost as if a second "Grand Army of the Republic" is mustering to fight on behalf of individual liberty and state sovereignty one more time. So what Paul has actually inspired then is a genuine movement to retake the Congress and restore the Republic and not merely a handful of malcontents as some would have you believe.

In contrast we should ask what have Cole and Graham inspired? Where are the crowds and the candidates rallying to them and their message? How are men like these supposed to convince the Tea Party Patriots and 912 Marchers to rally to the GOP? When Cole, Graham and Co. were selling out their conservative principles one man among them stood out against the rising tide of socialism which is now rushing at us like a flood. By his example are the Liberty Candidates now able to distinguish themselves from the pretenders in the GOP ranks. Without Paul, and those he has inspired, the awaking body politic would be forced to vote third party to find new guards for their liberty. Without Paul; Cole and Graham would be getting away with their hypocrisies unchecked. Without Ron Paul the GOP would continue to be the party of failure instead of having the chance to restore itself as the party of Freedom.

About RJ Harris:

RJ Harris is a currently serving nineteen-year Oklahoma Army National Guard Officer, two-time Iraq War Veteran and U.S. Congressional Candidate for Oklahoma's 4th Congressional District. He is a University of Oklahoma graduate in Philosophy and a second year law student at the University of Oklahoma College of Law. RJ is a Constitutional Conservative Republican and the first 912 Liberty Candidate in the nation. He has appeared on Fox News' Freedom Watch twice with Judge Andrew Napolitano and been the featured guest on conservative/libertarian talk-radio programs across the country.

Friday, October 9, 2009

What Would Gen. George Washington do in Afghanistan; Lose the Battle, Win the War?

By RJ Harris, U.S. Congressional Candidate Oklahoma 4th District
What Would Gen. George Washington do in Afghanistan; Lose the Battle, Win the War?

For over 200 years we Americans have fought and died for our freedom. It then comes as a shock to us when others will not do the same for their own freedom. The lesson to re-learn here is that freedom is not free. Neither would we have it if we were not willing to sacrifice considerable blood and treasure to earn it, and to keep it, nor will other peoples appreciate it if they have not paid its heavy price.

When the Taliban controlled the Afghan Government, there was reason for the Afghanis not to fight. They would have had little chance standing alone against that regime. However, lately there are more than 100k NATO soldiers in Afghanistan and still the people refuse to help win their freedom or secure peace in their own land. The simple question is why, and the simple answer, which is usually the most correct, is that they do not want freedom or peace badly enough to sacrifice for it especially when there are others willing to do it for them. Can you imagine the French fighting for us in our own Revolution, and then occupying us afterwards to make sure we didn’t mess things up? Unfortunately, this is exactly what have been doing in Afghanistan.

Now If we conclude that helping the Afghanis win their freedom from totalitarian oppression when they have been barely willing to aid us in that effort is not reason enough for us to be there, but winning the war on terror is, then the question becomes, 'do we need to occupy Afghanistan to capture and kill terrorists that traffic their trade from there'? Certainly not! The rugged mountainous terrain of Afghanistan, heavily populated with people sympathetic to him, is the enemy's ground and he is happy to fight us there. Conversely, movement abroad, outside of his safe-havens, is our ground and we have the combat power projection capability to make all of that our battle space. Add to that our Congresses authority to grant letters of Marque and Reprisal to bounty hunters and privateers and there will be almost nowhere a terrorist can travel without exposing himself to death or capture.

My detractors will say that we must stay in Afghanistan or else we will lose the "war on terror." Whenever you hear someone utter these words realize that what they really mean is that mistakes must never be acknowledged lest they be exposed as mistakes. In General Washington’s day, there were many who argued that if he left New York, or left Philadelphia then he lost the war. But Washington knew that losing his army to push a horrible position would be what really lost the war, so he withdrew on both occasions. The best commanders know that you only commit your soldiers to the battle when the outcome is unquestionably in your favor before the first shot is fired. They also know that you should never fight on ground of the enemies choosing. And they also know that you should never be where the enemy expects you to be. General Washington employed this last stratagem to great effect crossing the Delaware on Christmas night to take the Hessian mercenaries un-aware. Currently, we are breaking all of these axioms of war in Afghanistan and we are paying the price for that in blood.

Moreover, Constitutionally speaking there is no war in Afghanistan. Our Congress has yet to declare one nor expressed their desired "end state" to the President. This dereliction of Constitutional duties regarding war making powers has led to considerable and unnecessary losses for our soldiers in the field and their families. Our founders knew that, left to their own, executives--be they kings or presidents--would engage in military adventures for the sake of their own aggrandizement. To prevent this, Article I Section 8 of the Constitution gives the power to declare war only to the Congress. The President may defend us and our property and he may do so vigorously. However, offensive military actions, invasions or retaliations are considered by the community of nations to be acts of war. Since acts of war commit a nation to war…only Congress can authorize them since, as mentioned above, only Congress can declare war.

Our nation's foreign policy actions over the last decade have set horrible legal and unconstitutional precedents for future administrations and legislatures to exploit. One can hardly imagine President Washington sending an army to fight in Europe without a legal declaration of war from the Congress. At that time such an action was not the kind of thing that should not be done…it was an action that could not be done. These unconstitutional doors, opened on our watch and left open for the less scrupulous, must be closed immediately.

Lastly, when war is legally and constitutionally declared, we must not yield to arguments that define winning as only achievable by forcing the continuance of an untenable position. We must commit to battle only when we know the outcome in advance. We must fight on ground that we choose. And we must never, ever, be where the enemy expects us to be. Today in Afghanistan we are exactly where the enemy expects us to be. They engage us and withdraw at their discretion. They control the operational tempo and they have way more of our resources pinned down than we do of theirs. General Washington lost more battles than he won. But he won the Revolution because he learned that winning one battle is not worth losing the war. Knowing this, I believe that he would choose to withdraw from the battle in Afghanistan if it meant that he could win the war on terror...assuming of course that the Congress ever gets around to actually declaring said war.

About RJ Harris:

RJ Harris is a currently serving nineteen-year Oklahoma Army National Guard Officer, two-time Iraq War Veteran and U.S. Congressional Candidate for Oklahoma's 4th Congressional District. He is a University of Oklahoma graduate in Philosophy and a second year law student at the University of Oklahoma College of Law. RJ is a Constitutional Conservative Republican and the first 912 Liberty Candidate in the nation. He has appeared on Fox News' Freedom Watch twice with Judge Andrew Napolitano and been the featured guest on conservative/libertarian talk-radio programs across the country.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Join RJ Harris and help Bailout Liberty!

By Rob Work:

It was Liberty that inspired our Forefathers to settle in a land without undue encumbrances. It was Liberty that raised their guns in defiance of despotic rule. It was for the dream to maintain that hard won Liberty paid for with the sacrifice of blood, lives, and tears that our Forefathers instituted the Supreme Law to be that which ties the hands of government and protects our Natural Liberty. It was for Liberty that men fought to free other men from the shackles of slavery and it was the dream of Liberty that inspired a generation of people to stand against the oppression of unjust law.

Before we can understand what we have lost, we must understand what we had. In the beginning, even before we instituted societies, we had Liberty; it is the Natural State of humanity governed by Natural law. Natural Law’s demands are simple; it simply requires that no one person should interfere with another’s life, liberty, or possessions. Therefore, the Law of a correct society should only be that which is needed to protect those who follow the demands of Natural law, from those who do not. Then we are truly free to pursue our lives as long as we follow natural law.

When the laws of Government no matter the intent, proceed as to elevate themselves above Natural law, encroach upon and cross the line, no longer only protecting our Natural Liberty, but instead postures itself as to impose it’s will, claiming a place in it’s arrogance above Natural Law, and above the Sovereign people it is to Serve, it becomes the very essence of that which it was instituted to protect us against. It no longer serves Liberty, it suppresses it.

It is in this state we find our Liberty today, Trodden, abused, and oppressed. No longer can we pursue our lives in freedom, legal action is around every corner and even breathing may soon be taxed. The long reaching hand of government is felt in every corner of our lives, from the theft of our life through unwarranted taxation and the ideals of socialism and communism; to the simplest acts such as Lemonade Stands, Garage sales, Property ownership and development, the kind of speech we cannot use, where we cannot engage in religious speech or prayer, illegal warrantless searches, the oppression of gun ownership and right to carry, and even the policing of thought. These are just a few of the ways our government has put our Liberty in exile. We have seen the abuses of power that led to the bailouts of corrupt institutions, and industries which have been nearly destroyed by corrupt government mandates and special interests. It is time we realize, the only bailout we need, the only bailout that will actually work, is simple.

We must Bailout Liberty!

When we are free to pursue our lives in peace, we work, we save, we build, we create jobs, and yes, we spend.

Only through our direct involvement and contribution will those men and women who support Natural Law, our Liberty, and its protecting document The Constitution, have the opportunity to serve in such a bold yet humble way. It is their desire to Restore the Constitution and thereby Save our Republic, not only for themselves but for all Americans and our collective posterity. They are the new Jeffersons, Franklins, Paines, Washingtons, Hamiltons, Henrys, and they need our help.

RJ Harris is just such a patriot. He has vowed to never solicit campaign money from lobbyists or corporate interests; therefore, he is in need of our help. We find hope in RJ and he finds his in us. Surprisingly, it doesn’t require a second mortgage, or the emptying of a college fund to help. In fact, we are simply asking you to dedicate to give just a dollar a week, if you can do more, please do. RJ’s donation page has a convenient way for you to set up a regular monthly contribution. Please go there today and solidify your stand to help Bailout Liberty by donating to RJ’s campaign.;

Rob Work

We cannot know the hour when the Spirit of the Founders will call upon us to fight for Freedom and defend Liberty; but answer the call we must! Thank you Rob for this inspiring call to action.

RJ Harris
Constitutional Conservative Republican
US Congressional Candidate
Oklahoma 4th District

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Humble Libertarian Interview

At 7pm CST on Sunday, September 20, RJ will be interviewed by Wes Messamore from the Humble Libertarian. Learn more about the Humble Libertarian at

You may listen to the show at the following link:

Saturday, September 19, 2009

OU Tailgating in 09'

Contained in the link below are photos from our campaigning outside the OU stadium. More pictures will follow throughout the season. We hope you enjoy.

(These pictures are also available on Facebook.)

The Parker Ward Show

RJ Harris will be a featured guest on The Park Ward Show at 11am CST today, September 19.

Among other guests will be Liberty Candidates running across the nation for different seats.

You may listen to the show at the following link:

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Peter Schiff Endorsed by RJ Harris

In response to Peter Schiff's announcement for an official Senate run, Oklahoma 4th Congressional District Candidate RJ Harris has released his official endorsement of the Schiff candidacy.


PRLog (Press Release) – Sep 17, 2009 – In response to Peter Schiff's latest announcement that he will run for U.S. Senate, the first 912 Candidate in the nation, RJ Harris, has released the following endorsement:

I am pleased announce my endorsement for Peter Schiff and the 2010 Schiff for Senate Campaign. Peter’s economic and financial market experiences are exactly what we need in the Senate right now to help us return to the free market principles and individual liberties that made the United States the wealthiest nation on Earth in little over 200 years. Learn more about Peter and the Schiff for Senate Campaign at:

RJ Harris
Constitutional Conservative Republican
US Congressional Candidate
Oklahoma 4th District

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Major Campaign Updates

Dear Friend and Patriot,

We have several exciting announcements.

Firstly, we’ve launched a brand new website with added features, usability, and a plethora of new content. In addition to the new website we have kicked our internet marketing into full gear. We will be sending out weekly updates and new blogs just about every day on our new blogs & news section. You may also subscribe to our new RSS Feed as well. Overall, our internet marketing game has increased two-fold. While our internet marketing has all ready overwhelmed our opposition (e.g. search engine results overly defeat Tom Cole’s), these new changes will take us over the top.

Secondly, we’ve hired several interns who are helping us with various positions in the campaign previously unmanaged.

Thirdly, RJ Harris is coming to the big screen!

Joined by some of the greatest champions for freedom and liberty of our age, including Ron Paul, G Edward Griffin, Adam Kokesh and many others, RJ speaks about the recent outgrowths of the modern progressive movement in the United States and what we must do to restore our Republic and our Constitution. “A New America Movie” will premiere in Oklahoma at the “Starplex Cinemas”, Robinson Crossing in Norman, on the first weekend in October. (Exact date and time will be released shortly.)

Below is a message from RJ:

Please make a donation today to help us pay for advertising during the Glenn Beck Program for the premier. We all ready have the commercials developed; we just need help paying for the airtime. This premier is the headline event this campaign needs to show the 15% undecided’s (from the poll discussed below) the strength and viability of my campaign.
Private Poll shows the Oklahoma 4th District Congressional Race to be a close one!

Oklahoma- September 10, 2009 - Internal polling from the RJ Harris 2010 campaign shows Rep. Tom Cole, the incumbent since 2003 at 54%, RJ Harris at 31%, and 15% undecided.

The number of undecided-votes clearly shows Harris within striking distance of an incumbent that should have had all undecided-votes nailed down years ago. Moreover, this is how things stand with RJ having raised only $22,000 to date. Imagine what these numbers would look like with another $100k behind RJ?! This poll was conducted by Persistence Consulting LLC and included only likely Republican primary voters from the 4th district. New political activists, which cannot be counted due to their lack of primary participation up till recently, are expected to break for the grass-roots candidate; RJ.

My friends, this seat is wide open and it is time we show the establishment that we mean to take it from them.

RJ Harris
Constitutional Conservative Republican
US Congressional Candidate
Oklahoma 4th District

Lastly, we want to thank you for your donations and support. Without the help of patriots like you we wouldn’t be at 31% and RJ wouldn’t be featured in this amazing documentary. We are putting your money to good use, and we will absolutely win this election!

For Liberty!

Jonathan Gibbons
Campaign Manager
RJ Harris 2010

PS: Please continue to invite all your friends to RJ's Facebook page ( and/or become a MySpace friend (

PSS: Here is the link to one of the commercials mentioned from above.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

912 Project and the First 912 Candidate

The 9/12 Project and the 9/12 Candidates answering the call.


Sep 12, 2009 – -- Oklahoma -- As Glenn Beck and the 912 movement march on Washington today, the answers that they are looking for have all ready been put into place. Across the country there are candidates standing up calling themselves 912 candidates.

RJ Harris was the first 912 candidate in the nation. He full heartedly agreed to sign the contract and submit to the principles and values articulated by Glenn Beck and the 912 Project. Today as thousands march on D.C., and millions watch around the world, Mr. Harris is preparing for the biggest battle of our generation. The battle to restore our constitution, republic, and the 9 principles and 12 values of the 912 project is among us.

Harris believes that we can win this battle through peaceful, yet strongly motivated, activism and charge to take back our Congress!

In the midst of bailouts, socialism, GIVE acts, continued involvement into our personal lives, and the expansion of the Federal Government, there are individuals and large bodies of activists coming together for the cause of Freedom. Harris has the integrity and leadership—being a Sgt. And leader of two platoons in the Army National Guard, and an expert on the U.S. Constitution – to lead other 912 candidates and this great nation in the fight to restore our Republic!

RJ Harris 2010

Friday, September 11, 2009

Response to Tom Cole's recently articulated position on the health care debate and on President Obama’s honesty.

Recently, Tom Cole articulated that the American People want another (different from the current) federal plan for health care. My interactions with the people of the 4th district tell me that what they want is NO federal health care plan and for the federal government to get out of the peoples private health care business. Indeed the intuitions of the people are insightful considering that Article I Sec. 8 of the Constitution gives the Congress the power to "provide for the general Welfare of the United States." This qualifying clause refers to the nation-state and not to individuals. In fact, individual Welfare, which is what health care is, does not appear anywhere in the Constitution. So when Tom Cole articulates that we need "a plan", and insinuates that that plan be a federal plan, one provided by big government Republicans as opposed to big government Democrats, he is advocating an un-constitutional position on the issue.

Additionally, Cole advocated the creation of a "national health insurance market." Where does the Constitutional authority for this come from? Markets are created by the people not the state. However, I will concede that, at least in this area, Cole is in the right neighborhood. This is because the limits of the federal Congresses ability to effect health care is to use it’s legitimate commerce clause power, also found in Article I Sec. 8, to ensure that the states are not allowed to erect trade barriers that undermine the free flow of goods and or services between themselves, in this case; health insurance.

Some have added (not Cole that I know of) that tort reform is needed to "fix" what ails healthcare. This is correct save that tort reform is a power reserved to the states under the 10th amendment. I do not trust, nor have the people consented, to allow the federal Congress to do anything not expressly enumerated in the Constitution. Thus, short of a Constitutional amendment, the states need to address the issue of tort reform and those states that do a good job on that issue will attract better health care providers.

Lastly, Cole’s inability to call a lie a lie is exactly the type of word playing that We the People have come to expect from politicians and are fed up with. So to Cole I say this: “if you don’t have the courage to speak the truth and stand by Congressman Joe Wilson then how can the people of the 4th district count on your courage to stand up to this president when he comes to take our liberty’?

RJ Harris
Constitutional Conservative Republican
US Congressional Candidate
Oklahoma 4th District

Thursday, September 10, 2009

RJ Harris at the Ada Tea Party Tomorrow


RJ Harris to take questions at the Ada Tea Party in Ada, Oklahoma 4th District

Oklahoma- September 10, 2009 RJ Harris will be a featured panel member at the Ada Tea Party this Friday, September 11, 2009. The event will take place at the Pontotoc Technology Center Auditorium in Ada, OK.

Other guests on the panel include Senator Randy Brogdon, Attorney General Drew Edmondson, and Oklahoma 5th District Candidate Dr. Johnny Roy M.D.

Each panelist will have several minutes to discuss their platform. They will then be put to a question and answer session from those in attendance.


Jonathan Gibbons
RJ Harris 2010


Poll Shows Close Race in Oklahoma's 4th District


Private Poll shows the Oklahoma 4th District Congressional Race to be a close one

Oklahoma- September 10, 2009 - Internal polling from the RJ Harris 2010 campaign shows Rep. Tom Cole, the incumbent since 2003 at 54%, RJ Harris at 31%, and 15% undecided.

The number of undecided-votes clearly shows Harris within striking distance of an incumbent that should have had all undecided-votes nailed down years ago. This poll was conducted by Persistence Consulting LLC and included likely Republican primary voters from the 4th district.

This news comes after Harris’s campaign has announced its’ current election -contributions at $21,699.69. The highest amount raised by democratic opposition to Rep. Tom Cole in the past three election cycles was $29,344 by Hal Spake in 2006. Harris has surpassed the record of the other two democrat opponents from 2004 and 2008. Rep. Tom Cole has not faced a Republican Primary challenge since 2002. If these numbers indicate anything, it’s that Rep. Tom Cole’s primary race is shaping up to be tougher than his last three general election races against the Democrats.

RJ Harris is an Iraq War Veteran, and a pronounced Constitutional Conservative Republican, living in Norman Oklahoma. His website is


Jonathan Gibbons
RJ Harris 2010


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Introducing the Brand New RJ Harris 2010 Website

RJ Harris 2010 is pleased to announce the launching of 3.0. This new version of the website offers greater content, more interactivity, and more informative ways to help. We cannot possibly thank the over 300 donors who have contributed to this campaign enough. Without your help this new website, video productions, event coordination, social networking, local advertising, and more... could not have been possible. This is a grassroots campaign and a grassroots built internet presence. The new website will also feature a more robust and frequently updated news and blog section. Please subscribe to our blogger account and our RSS feed. Thanks again to all those who helped make this possible... you know who you are.

For Liberty and the Restoration of our Republic!

Jonathan Gibbons
Campaign Manager
RJ Harris 2010

RJ Harris in : A New America Movie

RJ will be featured in a new documentary coming out later this month. You can learn more about the movie at and you may watch one of RJ's clips at

Saturday, September 5, 2009 3.0 Coming Soon...

RJ Harris 2010 (.) Com is currently undergoing a complete redesign with updated features and new tools to help boost its rank among other top tier websites. Thanks to our passionate supporters and donors, we are now able to boost our internet marketing into full throttle. Coming Soon...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Constitutional Conservatives, Patriots, Veterans…

Rarely will the Spirit of our Founders call upon us to defend freedom at the hour of our choosing…but when called we must answer and pour once more into the breach FOR LIBERTY! If you are ready to answer that call, then file to run for Congress in your district and join the Liberty Candidate Movement to retake the Congress. The body politic is waking up like no time since the founding of the Republic. Now is the time for you to mount a social networking campaign site and begin posting your positions on the issues. You don’t even need a dedicated website right away; Facebook or MySpace [pay pal/Amazon for your donations] will do fine for now. However, you must read the Constitution thoroughly while writing and articulating your positions and be ready to use that knowledge to answer questions from constituents/the media on the fly. You will find that the more you have the Constitution memorized, the more bold and confident you will be standing up for freedom, liberty and state sovereignty. Whatever you do, don’t give into the temptation to accept favors from lobbyists or the establishment. Stay true to the cause and the message and then expect that the supporters will find you.

I will do all that I can to help you but you must position yourself for the coming surge. In a few months time, the awaking wave of tea party patriots and town hall marchers will look to find citizen statespersons to vote for against the bailout voters, socialists, corporatists and big government progressives who have usurped power from the people. Money, power and privilege, the very strengths of the political class, will be their undoing in the next two election cycles for sure. Voters will look for those of clear grass roots origin with backgrounds of selfless service to support. Nevertheless, if you are not in the firing line when the smoke clears and the gap opens all will be for naught.

If you already have a real Liberty Candidate running in your district, Please get behind him/her and help as much as you can. We will accomplish so much more working together than helping the establishment by splitting up the votes. Your service will be remembered by the constituents you organize on behalf of the Candidate you support and your time to do more will come as those elected ahead of you move on to other tasks. And we will move on because there is a need for Constitutional Conservatism at all levels.

Those that have served with me in the field, now is the hour of your country’s need for which you have trained. Take up the cause and answer the call. The Spirit of the Founders is with us and under that Divine Providence; we will save the Republic and restore the Constitution.

If you are reading this YOU are the resistance.

RJ Harris
Constitutional Conservative Republican
US Congressional Candidate
Oklahoma 4th District

Thursday, August 27, 2009

RJ Featured in the OU Daily

RJ was recently interviewed by the OU Daily. RJ's opponent Tom Cole was also interviewed for the article. You can read the article here

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Support Rand Paul and his Money Bomb

My Friends and Fellow Patriots,

On 06/15/2009 RJ announced his endorsement for Dr. Rand Paul's exploratory committee.


It is with great pleasure that I announce my official endorsement for Dr. Rand Paul’s run for the U.S. Senate. Please let all your friends and colleagues know, no matter where they live, that candidates such as Dr. Paul will be critical in the fight to save our Republic and restore our Constitution. With your help, the Liberty Candidates will win in 2010.

Dr. Paul's money bomb is today. Please do what you can to help at

For Liberty!

RJ Harris

Support Rand Paul and his Money Bomb

My Friends and Fellow Patriots,

On 06/15/2009 RJ announced his endorsement for Dr. Rand Paul's exploratory committee.


It is with great pleasure that I announce my official endorsement for Dr. Rand Paul’s run for the U.S. Senate. Please let all your friends and colleagues know, no matter where they live, that candidates such as Dr. Paul will be critical in the fight to save our Republic and restore our Constitution. With your help, the Liberty Candidates will win in 2010.

Dr. Paul's money bomb is today. Please do what you can to help at

For Liberty!

RJ Harris

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Critical Call to Action: Glenn Beck to measure viewer support for 912 Liberty Candidates!

Fellow Patriots and Defenders of the Old Republic,

A critical moment has come in the ongoing campaign to save the Republic and restore our Constitution. Efforts to this end, by all the 912 Liberty Candidates, have attracted the attention of the Glenn Beck television program. However, we need to show Mr. Beck and his staff that our mission to retake the Congress from the bailout voters is newsworthy and that the Candidates at the tip of Liberty's Spear are credible contenders who can lead this fight for our freedom. Now is the time, this is the hour, when you must stand up and be heard! Contact the Glenn Beck program and politely encourage them to host Rand Paul, Adam Kokesh and RJ Harris on an upcoming program. Once you have done this, please repost this call to action everywhere you can. Tell your friends, tell your neighbors, tell all of your family that the time has finally come to WAKE UP AND FIGHT FOR LIBERTY!

Glenn Beck:


Fox News Channel:


Call and ask to speak to Glenn Beck’s Producers.
Phone: (212) 301-3000

Fax Attention Glenn Beck Show Producers
Fax: (212) 301-4229

Fox News Channel:
If you’re in the area, stop by the studio and ask to leave a message for Glenn Beck’s producers.

1211 Ave. of the Americas, New York, NY 10036

"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds."


RJ Harris
Constitutional Conservative Republican
US Congressional Candidate
Oklahoma 4th District

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Get the Liberty Candidates on Glenn Beck

In March, Glenn Beck launched the 912 project laying out nine principles and twelve values to live by. Since that time, Jacob Roecker launched a project supporting candidates who hold those principles and values. Rand Paul, RJ Harris and Adam Kokesh signed on to the pledge, as well as many others.
A couple of weeks ago Adam Kokesh visited with Glenn Beck and told him about the 912 candidates and their pledge. The producers at the Glenn Beck Show have indicated they may be interested in having 912 candidates on Glenn's show. Rand Paul, Adam Kokesh and RJ Harris need your help.
You know what that means, right? It's time to spread the word that Rand, Adam and RJ are here to restore our republic, our liberty, and bring the nine principles and twelve values to Capitol Hill.

Call, email, fax and send messages on Myspace. Be cordial, yet engaging, and tell them Glenn Beck needs to support 912 Candidates, Rand Paul, Adam Kokesh, and RJ Harris by hosting them on his TV show!

Glenn Beck:


Fox News Channel:

Call and ask to speak to Glenn Beck’s Producers.
Phone: (212) 301-3000

Fax Attention Glenn Beck Show Producers
Fax: (212) 301-4229

Fox News Channel
If you’re in the area, stop by the studio and ask to leave a message for Glenn Beck’s producers.
1211 Ave. of the Americas, New York, NY 10036

"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds."

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

READ ME- Help Fight for our Freedom

With the two-party system, and corporate lobbyists and interests, having staunch control over our political system, it is vital that you, the grassroots, come together to help take back our country. Taking ten minutes to read and complete the following will help send one of us to Washington to fight the corruption.

Please email this to everyone you know and re-post this on your bulletins, blogs, notes, tweets, etc. In just under ten minutes you can help out the Harris campaign tremendously.

1. Add RJ to your friends, following, subscription, etc. on the following social networks:

2. Post RJ's avatar onto your profiles.

Simply follow that link, right click and save the image. Then upload the image to your social networks. It doesn’t have to replace your official avatar, but if you just upload it into your photos folder it’ll be seen by your friends.

3. Watch, Rate, Comment and share RJ's videos -

4. Join our email list - at the top of the page on

5. Donate $25 at

Don't wait for others to donate. We cannot win this without the help of everyone donating. If every one of RJ's friends on Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter donate just $25 we'll raise well over $100,000. This $100,000 can help get us through the election. This will provide print, internet, radio, and TV advertising; we can win this race with just that $100,000. So for just the cost of going out for a good dinner, you can help contribute to a candidate of the people who will stand against this tyranny.

6. Call your favorite radio and TV shows and let them know about RJ.

7. If you are in Oklahoma's 4th District ... register to vote at the following link: and come out and volunteer for the campaign at

8. Re-Post this blog everywhere you can. Tell your friends and family to do the same.

This entire blog is located at and you can use this link to tweet and send in IM’s, Text Messages, etc.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Peter Schiff

I am pleased to announce my endorsement for Peter Schiff's U.S. Senate exploratory efforts. Peter's commitment to free market principles, fiscal conservatism, restoring constitutional monetary policy as well as his impeccable financial sector credentials makes him uniquely suited to serve in the Senate and to be a voice for sound economic principles.

RJ Harris 2010
Constitutional Conservative
Oklahoma 4th District

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Final Note on Mark Shannon

In regards to Mark Shannon’s half-hearted retraction of his potentially libelous allegations that RJ Harris is a "shaven headed Nazi", and in regard to Shannon's continued allegations that the Harris 2010 campaign supports 911 conspiracies; the campaign offers the following response:

Comparing our veterans and Mr. Harris to Lee Harvey Oswald, Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols is hardly any more appropriate or accurate than the original disparaging comment. Again, I am appalled that Mr. Shannon would be allowed to make such disparaging comments about our veterans from a respectable local radio station. Should KTOK not begin to take action about these heinous comments being made on their air, we may have to reconsider whether or not it deserves that label. No RJ Harris 2010 campaign volunteer was provided "Alex Jones" or "911 truth" DVDs by the campaign. Our flyers display the caption “paid for and distributed by RJ Harris 2010”, those DVD’s do not. Shannon most likely knows that the actions of random "supporters" are impossible to control. For him to criticize RJ for not "controlling" people is disingenuous at best. RJ has never stated that he believes in any 911 conspiracy. RJ has stated that these issues may have unanswered questions and that a full non-partisan investigation should always be completed in the wake of any controversial/catastrophic issue. A lack of transparency or fair investigations can lead to more conspiracy theories and a lack of credibility on the part of the investigation. Having a fair and open investigation helps to stray off any doubts. Lastly, our campaign has received zero complaints about our staffers and supporters being "obnoxious." However, given the ugliness displayed by Shannon on his radio show the last few days it hardly seems credible for him to level such a charge against anyone else but himself.

About these issues, Mr. Shannon is either lying or is miss-informed and we will have to leave it to the attorneys to figure out which one. On Monday's show Mr. Shannon made his real intentions clear when he argued that RJ was stupid for getting into an argument with a "drive time" radio host. This statement signals Shannon's potentially libelous purpose to destroy RJ and separates his on-air rant from legitimate free speech.

RJ Harris 2010
Constitutional Conservative Republican

Monday, July 6, 2009

Official Press Release


Oklahoma City Radio Talk Show Host, Mark Shannon, reportedly calls a two-time Iraq War Veteran a “Shaven-Headed Nazi” on KTOK’s Mark Shannon Show.

Oklahoma- July 7, 2009 - Mark Shannon, Radio Talk Show Host, reportedly referred to a two-time Iraq War veteran and U.S. Congressional Candidate, RJ Harris, as a “Shaven-Headed Nazi” on his Monday talk show airing between 4pm- 7pm weekly. He also reportedly accused Harris of accosting attendees at the Oklahoma City Tea Party event by handing out literature not relevant to a congressional campaign. Mr. Harris has provided the following statement regarding this matter:

“I am shocked and appalled that any Oklahoman would have such a low opinion of the veterans required to close-crop their hair for service in Iraq, let alone a radio talk show host on a respectable news station. Moreover, my campaign has received no negative commentary either at the tea party event or since that justifies Shannon as classifying our campaign literature distribution efforts as “accosting” or anything other than the distribution of legitimate congressional campaign handbills. Much to the contrary my campaign has received overwhelmingly positive feedback for being one of the only politicians that showed up to hear the demands of the people and answer their vetting questions. I fully appreciate the 1st Amendment right of others to air their opinions but have little tolerance for libel, slander, or defamation.”

Due to service obligations with the Army National Guard, Harris will be out of the state for the next three weeks. Any questions on this matter can be directed to Harris’s campaign manager Jonathan Gibbons 405-881-0951.

Mark Shannon is a radio host on the KTOK 1000 Oklahoma City


Jonathan Gibbons
RJ Harris 2010


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Liberty Candidates; Leading the Fight for Freedom

Despite attempts by local Establishment Republican Shock-Jock Mark Shannon to scare away the Republican Liberty Candidates from participating in the OKC tea party, the event was a resounding success for all participants including those candidates that showed up to listen to the concerns of the people and to answer questions. Oddly enough, none of the bailout voters attended the tea party. Moreover, no one showed any signs of angst that candidates, like myself, were present to hear from the people, answer questions and hand out literature. Maybe Shannon believes that since the bailout voting establishment candidates can't attend the tea parties, then their challengers shouldn’t be able to either? I am beginning to wonder if there is a concerted effort by the Republican Party Establishment and Shannon to keep the people from finding out about the Republican Liberty Candidates. After all, didn’t we chant at the top of our lungs on April 15th to "vote them out"? It seems only natural to me that those wanting to empower the people to make good on those demands should make themselves available at public gatherings so that they may be fully and fairly vetted. To do otherwise would be to follow in the same footsteps of those cowards that are unwilling to face and answer to their constituents for breaking their oaths to the Constitution and the American People.

To those that hosted the events and those that attended and asked the tough questions, I offer my deepest thanks and gratitude. You are why we, the Republican Liberty Candidates, are fighting this fight and I will be honored to carry your demands for the restoration of our Republic, the Constitution, and Oklahoma's sovereignty to Washington D.C. Please continue to see past the machinations of the establishment and their willing accomplices in the media. Together we can defeat their efforts to keep us addicted to incumbency.

Mark, in response to your derogatory comments about my campaign last week and your advice to not show up and hand out literature to the people who deserve to know who is running and why; I offer the following statement: The Republican Liberty Candidates stand ready to help the people make good on their demands to "vote out" the bailout voters. We are prepared to be vetted and asked the tough questions because we have studied the Constitution thoroughly. We do not claim to have "cornered the market" on absolute Constitutional interpretation as you say. However, unlike our opponents, we are building our platforms upon the Constitution and making them open and available to the public for discussion. Our great desire is that these pubic discussions will require that more and more people read the Constitution so that they can enter the debate. Through this process, it will be nearly certain that those that win office will be those that not only understand the Constitution but will also be those with the courage to defend it as required by their oaths.

Your attempts to scare me away from meeting with the people have failed and despite your advice to the contrary, I will continue to remind everyone I speak to that the incremental socialism that Tom Cole, Tom Coburn, Mary Fallon, John Sullivan, and Dan Boren voted for last fall amounts to taxation without representation as well as voting for our enslavement. I say taxation without representation because those not yet born and those not old enough to vote will be the ones left to pay the check and they did not have a say in this generational-spanning theft of their wealth. I say enslavement because legitimate government and taxation requires consent. Consent has been provided by the American people to be taxed for those governmental necessities enumerated in the Constitution. When we are taxed then to pay for unconstitutional expenditures, like the bailouts, we are forced to labor to pay taxes for those disbursements to which we have not consented. Just as the slave has not consented in the disbursement of his labor so too do we not consent to the disbursement of our labor to pay for bailouts. Furthermore, paying for the bailouts requires the transfer of wealth from the individual to the commons. Justifying this action requires that we agree that the state owns our labor and can take it from us when it wishes. If we do not own our labor, then we are slaves to the state. Thus, socialism is a form of slavery and is therefore not allowed under the 13th amendment.

Lastly, I am certain that you will take issue with me for naming the challengers to the bailout voters the "Republican Liberty Candidates." My preemptive response is to say that those incumbents that voted for bailouts, as has already been argued above, voted for our enslavement. Conversely, those candidates challenging the bailout voters are committed to upholding the Constitution and the individual Liberty and state Sovereignty it defends by its very existence. Thus, the challengers in this fight are indeed the Liberty Candidates who struggle for the people against the socialists and corporatists currently in power. Think about that the next time you have one of these bailout voters on your show while the both of you try to convince us that such a vote is really not as bad as We the People are making it out to be…because it is!

Here and now, we are demanding justice for the usurpation of the power we loaned to the likes of Tom Cole, Tom Coburn, Mary Fallon, John Sullivan, and Dan Boren for voting levies against us. And if our founders could fight a war to throw off this same tyranny from a king, then the present generation of patriots can certainly remove from office the modern purveyors of that tyranny. At the very least these bailout voters will face the wrath of a spirited 2010 election cycle. Wouldn’t it be great if the Oklahoma GOP would see them off in August 2010 before the Democrats get a crack at them in November 2010?


RJ Harris
Constitutional Conservative Republican
US Congressional Candidate
Oklahoma 4th District

Thursday, July 2, 2009

H.R. 875 Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009

In the effort to protect the nation’s food supply, the Constitution allows the Congress to "insure domestic Tranquility" (preamble), "provide for the…general Welfare of the United States." (Art I sec 8) and "to regulate Commerce with Foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with Indian Tribes." These elements of the Constitution work together to provide Congress the framework for the debate on protecting the food supply. The problem I see with H.R. 875 is that it reaches will beyond regulating the Commerce among the several States by putting federal regulations directly upon the food "establishments." Such heavy handed actions are not needed to protect the food supply of the nation. Acting under the Commerce Clause, the federal government needs to interact with the states and foreign governments only by regulating that food manufacture/preparation that does not meet certain standards will not be allowed out of the state(s) where it was manufactured/prepared or allowed into the country. It would then be left to the States/Indian Tribes to figure out what level of standards and how to implement them as would be best for their citizens and their commerce, knowing that if the standard is not high enough the federal government will not allow their food to be shipped out of the state/tribe. In this way the federal government can protect the nation’s food supply while not out stepping its Constitutional authority nor infringing upon the sovereignty of the several States/Indian Tribes.

‘But RJ, but RJ…what about food produced/served within the same state, how do we make sure it is fit for consumption in the state of Oklahoma?’ If you are from Maine, that is none of your concern. If Oklahoma gets a reputation for serving bad food people won’t visit Oklahoma. And if you are from Oklahoma then don’t look to the federal government to solve your food issue, look to yourselves and maybe your state legislature.

Child rapist gets one year?

Our system of justice is supposed to be adversarial. The judge is supposed to "referee" the contest not control it. He/she is supposed to make sure that the rules for defense and prosecution, established by the legislature and the Constitution, are followed by all participants. In this case it appears that the prosecution and the judge colluded to find that the case against the Mr. Earl was weak and that the punishment agreed upon would be the best they could do given the lack of evidence against the defendant. However, if the prosecution's case was so weak, as they claim, then why did the defense not simply take its chances in court to completely clear Mr. Earl's name? The fact that the defense did not belies the prosecution's point. Clearly the defense had reason to believe that there was a real danger of conviction and the possibility of life in prison. These factors lead me to believe that there is something going on here that we have not yet been made aware of yet. Please contact Governor Brad Henry and AG Drew Edmonson and join me in demanding an inquiry into the prosecutor's and the judges actions in this case.

Governor Brad Henry
(405) 521-2342

Attorney General W. A. Drew Edmondson
313 NE 21st Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
(405) 521-3921

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Constitutional Immigration Reform

Using the National Guard, we should secure our borders immediately. Then, end the federal nanny state and replace the 16th amendment with a consumption based "fair-tax." These actions will halt illegal immigration and make legal immigrants both needed and welcome.

One of the core functions of the United States Government, as articulated by the preamble of the Constitution, is to "insure the domestic Tranquility…" Article I § 9 gives the Congress the power to prohibit the migration of persons to the US after 1808. Article IV § 3 authorizes the Congress to "make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States." Article I § 8 gives Congress the authority to say who is a citizen and who is not and allows the Congress to use the militia to execute the laws of the Union. Taken together, this means that Congress can decide and set the laws of immigration/naturalization and enforce them, using the militia if necessary, to prevent illegal immigration. Such action is completely Constitutional and concurrent with the inherent power of sovereigns and the written intentions of the founders.

From this perspective we must now consider, again from the preamble, that the founders also indented our government to be able to "secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity (children)." We must also consider that a very large segment of the population, at the time of the Constitution's ratification, were immigrants and that much of the nations continued population growth and prosperity relied upon robust immigration. Thus, we can conclude that the founders did not want to overly restrict immigration but they did want to make sure that it occurred in an orderly fashion so as to "insure the domestic Tranquility," while at the same time "provide for the common defense."

Completely in compliance with all these considerations mentioned, our Republic will continue to prosper from a healthy and robust immigration policy that prevents human trafficking, smuggling, immigration of terrorists/pirates/felons and the importation of weapons of mass destruction. The overarching problem, currently, is not the individual immigrant; it is the illegal and unconstitutional nanny-state. Providing "free" social services artificially increases illegal immigration through enticements. However, these social services are not free; they must be paid for by legal citizens. This disparity of who pays and who rides for free could and should end if we take back our Congress and end the unconstitutional federal social programs that create the enticements in the first place. Once no one is receiving illegal federal welfare, and states are no longer federally mandated to provide services to illegal immigrants on the backs of their own citizens, allowing for an expanded and robust immigration policy would be beneficial to all and in keeping with the free market for labor. Furthermore, abolishing the 16th amendment and switching to a consumption-based "fair tax" would create a reason to want legal immigration since the additional producers in our labor market would help us pay back our near astronomical national debt.


RJ Harris
Constitutional Conservative Republican
US Congressional Candidate
Oklahoma 4th District

Saturday, June 27, 2009

RJ on the Jim Guest Show

Don't miss oklahoma fourth district candidate, RJ Harris, on the Jim Guest show at 9am central... Sunday June 28th

Listen Here

Friday, June 26, 2009

Interview With RJ Harris and Dr. Rand Paul Tonight

RJ Harris from Oklahoma and Dr. Rand Paul from Kentucky have signed the 9:12 Candidates Pledge to uphold the Constitution if they are victorious in their respective campaigns. This 2 hour interview will go into detail on their philosophical stand.


The Patriot’s Pipeline Radio Show with David Hill and author and commentator Melissa Pehle-Hill. The Patriot’s Pipeline is the Friday night broadcast from the Patriot’s Heart Broadcasting Network. Our show highlights citizens and politicians who believe in our US Constitution and who have stepped up to the task of restoring the United States of America to the foundation laid down by our Founding Fathers.

Show address is

Our June 26th show will feature R.J. Harris of Oklahoma and Dr. Rand Paul from Kentucky. Both of these gentlemen have signed the 9:12 Candidates Pledge to uphold the values and principles found in our Constitution. The Hosts and Producers of the Patriot’s Pipeline strongly support the efforts of the 9:12 Candidates Project and their mission to find candidates who will uphold the Constitution should they gain public office.

RJ Harris

RJ is an Iraq war veteran, devout family man, and staunch constitutional
conservative. He is running for US Rep. in Oklahoma's 4th Congressional District in 2010. The first candidate to sign the official 912 pledge, Mr. Harris is dedicated to restoring a strict adherence to the Constitution in the halls of an out-of-control Federal Government.

Here are some of RJ's key proposals:

* Balance the budget
* End the govt. bailouts
* Pay down debt
* Restore the value of our Dollar
* Shrink the size & scope of the Federal Govt.
* Increase state sovereignty, especially in critical social issues
* Create a more focused & cost effective national defense
* Preserve America's moral integrity by obeying the Constitution

A true Washington outsider, RJ Harris is excited to tackle the elite, political establishment.
Having served two combat tours in Iraq, RJ comprehends the true nature of sacrifice and intends on bringing this spirit of sacrifice to a Washington D.C. that has lost its way.

Dr. Rand Paul

Rand Paul is the third of five children. He grew up in a small town in Texas and attended Baylor University before leaving to go to Duke Medical School. Dr. Paul completed a General Surgery Internship at Georgia Baptist Medical Center in Atlanta and earned his ophthalmology residency at Duke University.

Dr. Paul is married to his loving wife, Kelley Ashby, of Russellville, KY. They have been married for 18 years and have three boys: Will 16, Duncan 13, and Robert 10.
Dr. Paul has owned his own business, performing eye surgery in Bowling Green, KY, for 18 years. He is also the founder of the Southern Kentucky Lions Eye Clinic, an organization that performs eye exams and surgery for less fortunate patients.

Additionally, Dr. Rand Paul founded the Kentucky Taxpayers United (KTU) in 1994. KTU rates the state legislature’s tax honesty and helps promote the Americans for Tax Reform taxpayer pledge, to oppose any and all marginal income tax increases and any reduction in tax deductions.

Dr. Rand Paul delivered his first public speech in a debate with Senator Phil Gramm at the age of 21 in San Antonio. For his father's Presidential campaign, Dr. Rand Paul traveled throughout ten different states. In December of 2007, he spoke to thousands of supporters at the historic Fanueil Hall in Boston on the day his father’s campaign set the record for most online donations in a single day.

Rand Paul is a career doctor, not a politician. His entrance into politics is indicative of his life’s work: a desire to diagnose problems, and provide practical solutions.

For more information visit

Friday, June 19, 2009

A Message from RJ

Patriots of the Old Republic

Generations from now, when historians are teaching their students about whether you and I were able to save this Republic…succeed or fail they will be lecturing about patriots like all of you. They will talk about how you stood in the gaps of liberty's battle lines, created by the enemies of freedom, with your 10, 25, and 50 dollar donations for liberty candidates like myself, Rand Paul, and Adam Kokesh. (July 4th:) Students will write papers about how you took on the largest bureaucracy of our time, just as did the founders take on the largest empire of their time, all for the cause of freedom. Win or lose you are all patriots to me and the founders would be proud of you.

RJ Harris
Constitutional Conservative Republican
US Congressional Candidate
Oklahoma 4th District

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Money Bomb is On! Re-Post!!!

Dear RJ Supporter,

RJ's Money Bomb has officially kicked off and we need you to spread the message. Please contribute what you can. There are over 5,000 friends on RJ's networks and if every one of you contributes, we'll blow this money bomb out of the water!!! Also, RJ will be on revolution broadcasting radio ( throughout the day. The station will be discussing RJ's Money Bomb all day. You may call in at 505-715-6522 throughout the day for Q&A sessions or just to talk.

Posted below is a message from Dr. Rand Paul:

"I am pleased to enthusiastically endorse RJ Harris for Congress. I believe we stand on the precipice of a disaster. Our country is drowning in a sea of debt. Without significant change our country's future is threatened. Bankruptcy comes in many forms. None of them pretty. Please do whatever you can to support RJ Harris for Congress."

RJ has also been endorsed by Adam Kokesh.

Let's send the political establishment a message! We have already received nasty emails from the establishment wishing to keep bailout voters, unconstitutional voters, and illegal empire supporters in office! Let's show them what we can do!


Please Re-Post this Blog!!!

RJ comments on the recent Oklahoma Highway Patrol and EMT incident

End Police Brutality: Reassert our right to be armed! By RJ Harris

I grow weary hearing about how the officers involved in incidents, like Oklahoma Highway Patrol (OHP) and the EMT incident, are merely examples of "the few rotten apples." The fact is these incidents occur so often that we are not even shocked by them anymore. It might be easy to point at the police and say that they are to blame but in actuality it is “We the People” who have allowed these incidents to grow out of control through our consent to the trade-off of our freedom for "security." Even after this video has received widespread publication, there will still be many who say the police are the only ones among us who can be trusted to keep the peace while armed. Taking ourselves out of our outrage for a moment, we should ask this question, 'if everyone in that video had been armed…not just the OHP…would the events we witnessed have unfolded differently?' Before you say that indeed there would have been a mass shoot out…consider the mental disposition of the officer as he approaches the now armed EMTs. Even if things had been a little too heated, consider the officer's disposition as more and more armed citizens arrive to find out that he is detaining a patient and being belligerent with one of their neighbors. I dare say that, considering these hypothetical circumstances, the events on that day would have been radically different beginning with the politeness level of the officer right from the start.

We then must face this hard truth that we have allowed our government to disarm us under the false delusion that government will provide the security that we are too timid to provide for ourselves. The hypothetical above was reality in our founders’ time because they envisioned and built legal protections to allow for an armed society to provide for the first line of "security." Elected sheriffs, answerable to the people, were the second line of defense and they needed the support of the people to use their police powers. In such a society the citizens police themselves, not out of control Constables with a badge and a gun. Until we take back our Second Amendment rights from the legislatures that have stolen them from us, we will continue to suffer under the oppression of "jack-booted thugs" like the officer in the OHP assaults EMT video. The fastest way for us to restore the largest part of our erstwhile lost liberties would be for each and every state to follow Montana's recent example blocking all federal fire-arms legislation at their borders and staunchly upholding their citizen’s second amendment rights.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

RJ on the Kurt Wallace Show

Don't miss RJ on the Kurt Wallace show tomorrow at 9am central... listen here

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

RJ to meet with Michael Maresco at OK border

RJ Harris will be meeting Michael Maresco, the Liberty Rider, at the Oklahoma State Border. RJ will be riding with him for a number of miles. The RJ Harris 2010 campaign will also be helping Michael Maresco pass around his literature.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Important RJ Harris Updates

Dear Supporter of Liberty,

We have some very exciting updates to tell you. Firstly, this Friday June 19th is RJ’s money bomb. RJ will be featured on Restore the Republic Radio ( all day on Friday. We need you to call in to the station and explain why a donation for RJ is a good investment. So far dozens have volunteered to call in on Friday, but it’s still not enough. If you can, call in on Friday and express your devotion to help restore our constitution and republic. Additionally, for the next four days tell everyone you know about RJ. We ask you to find five of your friends, tell them about RJ, and ask them to make a donation on Friday. Secondly, RJ has been endorsed by Dr. Rand Paul and Adam Kokesh. You will hear more about these endorsements during the course of this week, and you can read Dr. Rand Paul’s endorsement at the bottom of this email. RJ has also released an endorsement for Dr. Rand Paul on our networks and the main website.

If this is the first you’ve heard of RJ’s money bomb make sure you check out the promotional video ( and .

Thirdly, this Tuesday RJ will be meeting up with the Liberty Rider ( at Oklahoma’s border. RJ will be riding with him for some distance and will help him pass out materials to sheriffs in every county. Next, we’ve launched our official Facebook Campaign County Groups. Each of the sixteen counties in the fourth district of Oklahoma will have an individual Facebook Group to help coordinate campaign activities in their respected county. We will be picking County Captains to lead these groups and the campaign in these counties. We cannot possibly knock on every door by ourselves, and we’ll need every County Captain to lead this charge. If you are interested in becoming a County Captain please send an email to Next, RJ will be on the “Wake up America” show with Kurt Wallace ( on Thursday June 18th, one day before RJ’s money bomb, immediately following Tom Woods at 9am central time.

Please find as many friends as you can and tell them about RJ and his money bomb on Friday. If you can find just five friends to donate we’ll send a grassroots message to the GOP establishment that they’ll never forget! Let’s show them that we mean business!!!

For Liberty,

Jonathan Gibbons
Campaign Manager
RJ Harris 2010

“I am pleased to enthusiastically endorse RJ Harris for Congress. I believe we stand on the precipice of a disaster. Our country is drowning in a sea of debt. Without significant change our country’s future is threatened. Bankruptcy comes in many forms; none of them pretty. Please do whatever you can to support RJ Harris for Congress.” Rand Paul

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Rand Paul Endorses RJ Harris

The RJ Harris 2010 campaign is pleased to announce that Rand Paul has endorsed RJ Harris. Official press releases by both camps should be available shortly. Adam Kokesh has also voiced his support for RJ at [url][/url]

"I am pleased to enthusiastically endorse RJ Harris for Congress. I believe we stand on the precipice of a disaster. Our country is drowning in a sea of debt. Without significant change our country's future is threatened. Bankruptcy comes in many forms. None of them pretty. Please do whatever you can to support RJ Harris for Congress."

Rand Paul

Learn more about RJ Harris at

Rand Paul Endorses RJ Harris

The RJ Harris 2010 campaign is pleased to announce that Rand Paul has endorsed RJ Harris. Official press releases by both camps should be available shortly. Adam Kokesh has also voiced his support for RJ at [url][/url]

"I am pleased to enthusiastically endorse RJ Harris for Congress. I believe we stand on the precipice of a disaster. Our country is drowning in a sea of debt. Without significant change our country's future is threatened. Bankruptcy comes in many forms. None of them pretty. Please do whatever you can to support RJ Harris for Congress."

Rand Paul

Learn more about RJ Harris at

Saturday, June 13, 2009

RJ Speaking at Tulsa Tea Party Today

RJ will be speaking at the Tulsa Tea Party today between 3pm - 5pm. The event is being held at Johnson Park in Tulsa.

Friday, June 12, 2009

One week until the money bomb

One week from today, grassroots supporters will send a clear message to Oklahoma's 4th congressional district. The days of claiming the mantle of fiscal responsibility, while voting for more spending, more borrowing, and more money printing are coming to an end.

RJ Harris won't just claim to be a fiscal conservative, he'll actually vote like one.. His opponent in the 2010 Republican Primary, incumbent Tom Cole, voted for George W. Bush's policies close to 100% of the time. Yet, Bush's administration never balanced the budget, doubled the national debt, devalued the US Dollar, and supported the $700 billion Wall St. bailout. Recently, in early 2008, Tom Cole voted for the Bush stimulus package, which increased the budget deficit, added more debt, and failed to prevent a severe recession. Then, in late 2008, Tom Cole voted for both versions of the infamous $700 billion bank bailout, sponsored by the Bush administration.

As an Iraq war veteran who served two combat tours, RJ Harris knows what it's like to "walk the walk". He will not tolerate unbalanced budgets, more debt, inflation caused by a weak Dollar, or the abandonment of free market capitalism to rescue Wall St. failures.

RJ Harris is truly a breath of fresh air the people of Oklahoma and this nation so desperately desire. The people are tired of so-called fiscal conservatives who vote for bailouts and reckless spending. On Friday, June 19, the grassroots will fire the first shot across the bow when it donates in mass to the RJ Harris money bomb. The Establishment will be put on notice. RJ Harris, a real soldier and genuine fiscal conservative, means business.

Ryan Jaroncyk
Press Secretary
RJ Harris 2010