Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Major Campaign Updates

Dear Friend and Patriot,

We have several exciting announcements.

Firstly, we’ve launched a brand new website with added features, usability, and a plethora of new content. In addition to the new website we have kicked our internet marketing into full gear. We will be sending out weekly updates and new blogs just about every day on our new blogs & news section. You may also subscribe to our new RSS Feed as well. Overall, our internet marketing game has increased two-fold. While our internet marketing has all ready overwhelmed our opposition (e.g. search engine results overly defeat Tom Cole’s), these new changes will take us over the top.

Secondly, we’ve hired several interns who are helping us with various positions in the campaign previously unmanaged.

Thirdly, RJ Harris is coming to the big screen!

Joined by some of the greatest champions for freedom and liberty of our age, including Ron Paul, G Edward Griffin, Adam Kokesh and many others, RJ speaks about the recent outgrowths of the modern progressive movement in the United States and what we must do to restore our Republic and our Constitution. “A New America Movie” will premiere in Oklahoma at the “Starplex Cinemas”, Robinson Crossing in Norman, on the first weekend in October. (Exact date and time will be released shortly.)

Below is a message from RJ:

Please make a donation today to help us pay for advertising during the Glenn Beck Program for the premier. We all ready have the commercials developed; we just need help paying for the airtime. This premier is the headline event this campaign needs to show the 15% undecided’s (from the poll discussed below) the strength and viability of my campaign.
Private Poll shows the Oklahoma 4th District Congressional Race to be a close one!

Oklahoma- September 10, 2009 - Internal polling from the RJ Harris 2010 campaign shows Rep. Tom Cole, the incumbent since 2003 at 54%, RJ Harris at 31%, and 15% undecided.

The number of undecided-votes clearly shows Harris within striking distance of an incumbent that should have had all undecided-votes nailed down years ago. Moreover, this is how things stand with RJ having raised only $22,000 to date. Imagine what these numbers would look like with another $100k behind RJ?! This poll was conducted by Persistence Consulting LLC and included only likely Republican primary voters from the 4th district. New political activists, which cannot be counted due to their lack of primary participation up till recently, are expected to break for the grass-roots candidate; RJ.

My friends, this seat is wide open and it is time we show the establishment that we mean to take it from them.

RJ Harris
Constitutional Conservative Republican
US Congressional Candidate
Oklahoma 4th District

Lastly, we want to thank you for your donations and support. Without the help of patriots like you we wouldn’t be at 31% and RJ wouldn’t be featured in this amazing documentary. We are putting your money to good use, and we will absolutely win this election!

For Liberty!

Jonathan Gibbons
Campaign Manager
RJ Harris 2010

PS: Please continue to invite all your friends to RJ's Facebook page ( and/or become a MySpace friend (

PSS: Here is the link to one of the commercials mentioned from above.

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