Monday, February 22, 2010

Harris to Lead Sooner State Patriots South to Aide Fellow Liberty Candidate Medina

RJ Harris to Lead Sooner State Patriots South to Aide Fellow Liberty Candidate Debra Medina

Oklahoma congressional liberty candidate RJ Harris will be leading a convoy of Sooner State Patriots south to aide Harris’s fellow liberty candidate running for Texas Governor, Debra Medina. In a statement about this convoy, and in response to media attacks against Medina, Harris has said:

Our founders fomented and successfully executed a revolution against the greatest western power of their age. The mainstream media of their day called them radicals, rogues and traitors, while we know them today as the Founders of the greatest republic in history. But would it not have been easier and more tranquil for them to have endured the tyranny of the King and justified it as divine right as did the pundits of their time?

It should then be worn as a badge of honor by our other Liberty Candidates when the main stream media targets one of for them with the same attacks leveled upon the founders--and now upon Debra--for in so doing the media inadvertently reveals to us which candidates are most like the founders themselves.

I am therefore exceedingly proud to have previously announced and now to affirm my endorsement for Debra Medina and I encourage all Liberty Candidate supporters--that are able--to contact the Medina campaign and offer their services to help her in these next critical days before the primary. Her valor fighting for the cause of freedom is an inspiration to patriots everywhere who love this Republic and wish only to see it restored to its founding glory. My supporters and I are ready and willing to visit Texas the weekend before the primary to help Debra spread the message of Liberty.

The Harris campaign has announced that it will be leading a convoy on Saturday at 8am to northern Texas to help aid the Medina for Texas campaign. For more information about joining the convoy, please contact the RJ Harris campaign at